Kin Korner - Kinsmen Club of Witless Bay

The Kinsmen Club of Witless Bay and its eleven members would like to thank everyone who supported our 38th annual Santa Claus parade on Dec. 8th, making it without a doubt, “The Best Parade” ever.

Special thanks go to the R.C.M.P., the firemen and women, the route walkers, and the traffic people who kept everyone safe. To the Knights of Columbus who ran the raffle, the 50 Plus and their helpers, who served drinks, coffee and tea, and ran short of hotdogs after serving over 440, all at no charge.

Thanks to St. Bernard’s Elementary and especially Marie, who helped make the parade possible, to Mobile High for giving us a few costume wearers, and the Mobile Cadet marching band who add so much to our parade. Thanks to all the volunteers who helped sell tickets and to Mona and Judy for looking after the loot bags and raffle prizes.

Thanks to Terry for arranging the costumes and everyone who wore a costume, or took the time to enter a float; and we apologize to the winners for the oversight with the prizes. Of course, a special thank you to Santa, who always finds time to help us and every other function in our area during the festive season, and thanks to Mrs. Claus for looking after the old guy. Thanks to Dean for transporting Santa safely.

This year is special to us because the Town Council has restarted the Christmas tree light-up making a great start to the festive season. We would also like to thank Tim Horton’s, Foodland, and all the local businesses who contributed in any way. Hope we didn’t forget anyone!

Once again, “Thanks and Merry Christmas!” from the Kinsmen.

• Chris Swain • Mark Tobin • Brian Harte • Andrew Oate • David Brinston • Jamie O’Brien • Chris Dowden • Bren Tobin • Chris Stack • Ken Vickers • Howard O’Brien

Posted on January 9, 2019 .