Settling arrears

By Mark Squibb | Vol. 13 No. 2 (January 23, 2020)

A number of property owners owe property taxes in Petty Harbour— Maddox Cove, including one piece of property that has unpaid taxes going as far back as 2011.

Council discussed the possibility of putting several properties up for tax sale – a sale of the property by the town.

“Whatever the cost of legal fees and everything else is all billed to the property owner before he gets any more out of it,” noted mayor Samuel Lee during the discussion.

That would include what’s owning on the property tax owed.

If the property did not sell, the fees would be added to the owner’s bill.

One problematic piece of property has had taxes outstanding since 2011.

“It’s a piece of property in behind the Maddox Cove ballfield,” noted Stack.

“I don’t have any contact with this person. My only concern with regard to a tax sale is that the property may not be of much value to anyone because it has no access.”

Mayor Samuel Lee noted that the parcel of land was not entirely inaccessible— just inaccessible by any easy route, as an entrance may need to be purchased through another property owner, or through Crown lands.

“But just because there’s no easy access doesn’t mean you don’t have to pay your taxes on it,” added David Green.

“Especially if they haven’t paid taxes since 2011.”

The idea was floated that perhaps the town could purchase the land, but Lee felt they had no sue for the piece of land.

Deputy Mayor Samuel Stack noted that council had discussed the very same property before.

“We’re after discussing this before, and it’s been since 2011 [that taxes have not been paid], and I think it’s probably time for us to move on this,” said Stack.

Council voted unanimously to put the property to a tax sale.

Another property has had taxes outstanding for a number of years.

“The property owner had passed away in the last couple of years, so its in trust to a legal firm,” noted CAO Stephanie Stack.

She noted that she had sent a letter to the firm the prior week but had not head anything back as of the Jan. 6 meeting.

Council was going to hold off until they heard back from the firm before making the decision.

Another property, a piece of vacant land along Main Street in Maddox Cove, has had taxes outstanding for a year.

Stack noted that she did not have contact information for the property owner.

“I tried to get a hold of some family members, and they don’t seem to have any contact information either,” she added.

Stack noted that due to it’s location along the main road, the parcel of land should sell.

Council discussed how long they should hold off before putting the property to a tax sale, with Stack again reminded council that she had no contact for the individual, and as such he was not receiving statements indicating how much he owed on the property.

Councillor Harry Chafe, meanwhile, was under the impression the owner was no longer living in Petty Harbour— Maddox Cove, but had moved to Bay Roberts.

Council agreed to put off making a final decision until April, after the next tax billing.

Another property had taxes owing for just under a year, although Stack explained that the town had been in communication with the owner and he had indicated he would be paying the bill.

Council voted to write off an outstanding business tax as the business was no longer in operation.

For other property owners who owed only six months worth of taxes, council voted to discuss again in the future, while other property owners had paid their taxes before the meeting.

Posted on February 6, 2020 .