Trepassey fire department celebrates 40 years of service

By Staff/November 11, 2021

The 24-member Trepassey Volunteer Department celebrated its 40th year of service last month with a well-attended dinner and dance and awards and service pins presentation.

Because Covid restrictions put a damper on some things last year, the department had to wait until this year to present a number of service pins, including 15 years service pins to Joe Kenny and Dave Sutton.

Ronald Corrigan, Tony Cave and Paul Ryan received pins for 10 years of service. Chris Luther and Terry Waddleton received 5-year pins.

Former Chief Ken Hartery, who retired last year, was presented with a 20-year service pin and a plaque recognizing his contribution.

Honourary member Con Finlay was recognized for 50 years of service.

Deputy Chief Gerard Ryan, who has been a member of the department for 33 years holding a variety of executive positions, was recognized as the 2020 Firefighter of the Year, while Kenny was named the winner of the award for 2021.

Ryan said that the past year of service was a successful one, a year which saw 13 members trained in defensive firefighting during a two-day course in June.

“While Covid-19 changed a lot of our normal and day to day activities, we did complete our Defensive Firefighting training on June 5-6 of 2021 as well as a 2-day first aid certification course for our members on October 16-17,” Ryan noted. “I would like to thank Fire Chief Tony Cave for his dedication and effort to our department. I would also like to thank all fellow firefighters who give so freely of their time to provide fire protection services to our town and surrounding communities of Biscay Bay, Portugal Cove South, St. Shotts and all areas in between.”

Ryan noted the department has one paramedic amongst its members and several others who are trained and qualified to use our Jaws of Life. Several of the members are women.

“We also assist emergency calls for 911 whereby we can provide support in any ambulance emergency calls,” Ryan said. “Thanks to our mayor, deputy mayor and councillors for their 100 percent support as we continue to provide the best fire protection services to our town of Trepassey and surrounding communities.”


Posted on November 19, 2021 .