Big changes at Witless Bay Town Hall

By Mark Squibb/August 26, 2021

There are some turnovers of key administrative players inside the Witless Bay town hall.

Earlier this spring, council announced that Assistant Clerk Administrator Barbara Harrigan would be retiring.

During last week’s meeting, council voted to fill that vacancy, written in the agenda as Financial and Administration Assistant.

Town chief administrative officer Pat Curran explained he had recommended one candidate be appointed but the town could not agree to terms with the candidate, so Curran recommended an alternative.

“I’m not sure I’m in a position to name that person for confidentiality reasons, but there is a tentative start for that position for Monday, August 30,” said Curran.

Council voted unanimously to hire the candidate for the position.

Council also had to vote on negotiating conditions for candidates for the position of CAO, as Curran will no longer continue in that duty as of this week.

“Council will recall that I’m transitioning out,” said Curran at the meeting, noting his contract had actually ended the previous Friday, but he will continue to act in the role in the interim.

Curran did have concerns about whether he would have proper signing authority, as his contract had officially ended.

“I don’t know that you would have to do anything by way of a signing authority, but it might be worth clarifying or asking the Department (of Municipal Affairs),” he advised. “Because I’m in a position where I wouldn’t feel comfortable signing documents or signing cheques on behalf of the town.”

It was agreed that the Town would discuss the matter of Curran’s signing authority with Municipal Affairs

Councillor Fraser Paul suggested council discuss the motion following the public meeting’s adjournment. There was no objection to this suggestion.

Finally, council had to vote to appoint a returning officer for the municipal election, as Geraldine Caul, Town Clerk Administrator, Commissioner for Oaths, ATIPP Coordinator, and, in election years, returning officer, is currently on leave.

Curran recommended Cathy Armstrong as an alternative returning officer, which council voted unanimously in favor of.

Posted on September 3, 2021 .