Goulds Scounts collect donations for Port aux Basques

Members of 1st Goulds Scouts have collected toilet paper, diapers, and other toiletries and hygiene products for Port aux Basque families that have been impacted by Hurricane Fiona.

“One thing I really wanted to focus on was giving back to the community,” said Scouter Lindsey Stuckless, who has joined the organization within the past year.

She said other schools and organizations already do Thanksgiving food raising, so the Scouts decided to do something a little different.

Stuckless said that Scouts learned it’s important to help others, and that at any moment, it may be us who need help from others.

She added volunteering helps children (and adults) feel connected to their communities.

Aside from the donations collected, Scouts have collected $100 for the Red Cross. And while the details are still being worked out, Stuckless said that the donations should be delivered next week.

Pictured are some Petty Harbour members of the club.

In the back row are Marissa Lee, Zachary Whitten, and Owen Chafe. In the middle are Hudson MacDonald and Grayson MacDonald. In the front are Mason Lee and Logan Stuckless.

Posted on October 14, 2022 .