Irishtown Road upgrades ratified

By Mark Squibb/October 21, 2022

Bay Bulls council rubber stamped two motions related to ongoing Irishtown Road storm sewer upgrades that had previously been approved through e-mail polls.

The first was a motion to ratify an e-mail vote of September 28 to accept material testing for the Irishtown Road Upgrade Project quote with North Consulting Ltd., at a price of $11,437, HST included.

Council also moved to ratify the e-mail vote of October 4 approving two changes orders for the project.

Those change orders were not explained, but the total price given by Deputy Mayor Jason O’Brien was $12,247, HST included.

Councillor Jason Sullivan declared a conflict of interest and refrained from voting on both motions as his family owns a business along the road.

Both motions passed unanimously.

Posted on October 26, 2022 .