Witless Bay gives ATV group green light to upgrade trail

By Mark Squibb/November 9, 2022

Witless Bay council fielded two requests from the local ATV Association during its October 11 public meeting.

The first was a request for the Town’s cooperation and financial support in repairing the railway trestle.

Councillor Ralph Carey said council is supportive of the association’s efforts to better the town’s trails for ATV users, but needs more specifics on the kind of financial support the association is requesting.

“For financial support, we don’t know what number that is,” said Carey. ‘So, we want them to come back to us with some kind of amount, and we’ll certainly consider it then.”

Council was also in receipt of a request for the Town’s written permission to upgrade Bear Pond Path trail.

Councillor Gerard Dunne declared a conflict of interest as the path borders his property.

Council approved the request to grant the association the permission.

“Again, as I said, they’re doing good work, and I hope they keep doing it,” said Carey. He added the group may have to request permission from the Province before going ahead with the work.

“They may need a provincial blessing as well, but we can certainly give them our blessing here,” said Carey.

Mayor Trevor Croft clarified the trail is owned by the Town and listed on the town plan.


Posted on November 17, 2022 .