St. Kevin's charity hockey game a go

Alumni team hungry for win after loss

By Mark Squibb/April 14, 2022

April 29 is hockey night in the Goulds, as Mavericks both past and present hit the ice for the sixth annual St. Kevin’s High Hockey Alumni Charity Classic.

The tournament didn’t go ahead in 2021 due to pandemic restrictions.

“The game had built a lot of momentum over the last number of years, and to have COVID stall it was a little bit nerve wracking, because you wonder if you’re going to be able to get it back on track,” said organizer Jason Snelgrove. “But as of right now, we’re just excited to get the game going, and getting funds to help families in the community, which was always the goal.”

The money raised will go towards the Hollett family – Vikki, Mark, Camryn, and Declan, following a recent medical diagnosis of Vikki’s. As per usual, $1,000 will go to the Curtis Hudson Memorial Fund.

Having raised over $6,500 in each of the last two games, the goal for this year has been set at $7,500.

“If we don’t reach our goal, and only raise $5,000, that’s $5,000 that we’re using to help somebody,” said Snelgrove.  “At the end of the day, whatever money we raise is money that’s going towards a good cause.”

Snelgrove said they’ve received plenty of donations so far, but as most donations are made at the door, it’s hard to tell yet whether they will hit the goal.

And while the hockey is guaranteed to be good, what’s not guaranteed is how comfortable folks are coming out to big events.

“We had a really great momentum going the five years prior when there was no such thing as COVID,” said Snelgrove. “But there is an uncertainty of whether we will get the same turnout.”

Nevertheless, Snelgrove said he’s optimistic with how things will turn out.

“Any money you raise is good money,” said Snelgrove. So, we’ll be happy with whatever happens.”

Once all the dollars have been counted, Snelgrove hopes the tourney will have raised over $30,000 since its incarnation.

While the community is the clear winner at the end of the day, the game-winner is still up for debate.

In 2020, the high school boys put an end to the Alumni’s four-year winning streak, defeating them with a game winning goal scored in the third period.

“We’ve put together a strong alumni team, but listen, the group of hockey players on the other side, the young fellows, are a great group of hockey players themselves,” said Snelgrove. “Every year it’s been close. Last time they won by a goal towards the end of the game. And the alumni players didn’t like the loss. They’re certainly coming out to try and get the win.”

Snelgrove, the excitement palpable in his voice, said the game is all about teaching youth about the kind of an impact that they can have in the community.

“The St. Kevin’s team over the last number of years have done some great things in terms of charity and helping people out, whether it’s Christmas fundraisers or the alumni game,” he added. “That’s the best part for me, just seeing the players stand on the blue line at the end of the game and witness the handing over of the money, and witnessing families saying thank you. Those are the things I think they’ll remember, and those are the lessons they can take well beyond high school hockey. Yes, you can be a great hockey player, but you also want to be a great human being, and this event creates that atmosphere for the players.”

The April 29 action begins at 6:00 p.m. at the Goulds Arena.






Posted on April 22, 2022 .