Ethan Williams acclaimed as newest member of Bay Bulls council

By Mark Squibb
October 13, 2023


A recent Mobile Central High graduate has been acclaimed as the newest member of Bay Bulls council following this week’s nomination day.

“I heard about the vacancy, and for me personally, and in terms of where I’m at right now in terms of my post-secondary education, and my job as well, the timing just added up,” said Ethan Williams, 19. “I talked with my family and friends and work colleagues, and community members, and they seemed really supportive. So, when the support is there and people seem to want you at the table, it was hard not to run.”

Williams, who turned 19 this past April, said that for a long time, the youth demographic has felt disenfranchised by politicians at any level.

“A lot of youth didn’t feel represented, they didn’t feel that their voices were being heard, and that just lead to youth not caring about politics as a whole,” said Willaims. “But youth getting involved in politics isn’t just youth getting involved in politics, it’s youth getting involved in the community. And if we want to build strong communities, having everyone that makes up our communities as a part of that is integral.”

Williams is a full-time MUN student, where he studies business and political science, and works part time in the oil and gas industry.

He was elected to the Youth Parliament Board in 2022 and serves as Vice President Internal. He was re-elected to that role in 2023.

“Youth Parliament is a great organization that seeks to do exactly what we’re all trying to do as youth involved in politics, and that’s get youth involved in not only politics and government but in our communities as well,” said Williams. “It’s been a great stepping stone to getting more youth comfortable with the political process.”

Each year, the Youth Parliament selects a group of young people to debate hot button issues in the House of Assembly for a week.

Williams said the Youth Parliament affords an opportunity to grow accustomed to Parliamentary democracy and bolster the participants debating and public speaking skills, and he hopes to bring the lessons he’s learned in the classroom, on the jobsite, and in the House, to the council chambers.

“Right now, my big focus is making sure that people are represented as best as they can be, and in doing so, help grow a stronger community and create a greater sense of community,” said Williams.

When asked whether council ought to remain as a five-member group or should return to its former regular complement of seven members, a motion that has been debated in council several times over the last number of years, Williams said he’s open to either option.

“It’s definitely something that could be looked into,” said the rookie. “But then the problem lies in filling those extra two seats. It boils down to what the people of the town feel is best. If they want increased representation, it’s something that we should look into. But if they feel comfortable where we are at now with five, then there’s no need to look into it any further if the people of the town are comfortable. Is it something I would be open to discussion on? Absolutely. But in terms of a clear answer on whether or not I believe five or seven seats is better, right now I don’t have one. If the discussion is brought up, I’ll form an opinion on it once I hear from people in the town and my colleagues. But as of right now, I’m keeping an open mind to the possibility of the change, but also recognising that it may not be something at the forefront.”

Williams fills the seat vacated by Shannon O’Driscoll, who resigned in September due to work commitments.

This week’s nomination day was the second since council was elected in September 2021. The first call for nominations followed the resignation of Mayor Neil O’Brien in August 2022. Councillor Corey Ronayne stepped forward to fill the opening at that time, after which council agreed to promote councillor Keith O’Driscoll to the position of mayor.

Ethan Williams, 19, was acclaimed to Bay Bulls council this week. He was the only person to put his name forward by the close of nominations for a byelection to fill an opening in the chamber. Williams is shown here attending a meeting of the Youth Parliament of Newfoundland and Labrador, where he serves as Vice President Internal. Submitted photo.

Posted on October 19, 2023 .