Witless Bay council covers engineering fees for ATV group

By Mark Squibb
November 3, 2023 Edition

Witless Bay council has voted to lend a local ATV Association a helping hand by agreeing to cover the cost of having the Town’s engineering consultant advise the association regarding a potential bridge installation along the railbed.

“The ATV Association is completing repairs to washed out sections of the railbed, and one section of the trail requires the installation of a bridge,” explained councillor Ralph Carey, who moved that council foot the bill for the consultant’s time.

Town CAO Jennifer Aspell noted the engineer will provide the association with a proposed work scope and cost estimate. Members of council believe the association plans to apply for funding to complete the actual work.

Councillor Jacob Hayden, the chairman of the ATV Association, declared a conflict of interest and left the room during the discussion.

Posted on November 9, 2023 .