November 24, 2023 Edition

The Witless Bay Volunteer Fire Department held it’s 34th annual Firefighters Ball last week, and a number of members were recognised with special presentations. In the left photo, Fire Chief Jack Gatherall (left) presents Captain Daniel Vickers with the Firefighter of the Year award. In the right photo, Gatherall presents Assistant Chief Shane Cole with a 20-year service pin. Firefighter Wes Learning was presented with a five-year service pin while Captain Adam Doyle was presented with a 10-year service pin. The Department currently boasts 30 volunteers and a paid fire chief. Submitted photos

The Witless Bay Volunteer Fire Department held it’s 34th annual Firefighters Ball last week, and a number of members were recognised with special presentations. In the left photo, Fire Chief Jack Gatherall (left) presents Captain Daniel Vickers with the Firefighter of the Year award. In the right photo, Gatherall presents Assistant Chief Shane Cole with a 20-year service pin. Firefighter Wes Learning was presented with a five-year service pin while Captain Adam Doyle was presented with a 10-year service pin. The Department currently boasts 30 volunteers and a paid fire chief. Submitted photos