Southern Shore Breakers U11 tier 1 girls

The Southern Shore Breakers U11 tier 1 girls hockey team won the Metro League championship last month against the Northeast Eagles taking the series 2-0. Both games were won via a shoot out. The girls also won the bronze medal in the U11B provincials hosted at the Southern Shore arena March 17-19. The team includes, starting from left: Coach Glen Sullivan, Mya Carey, Ava Curtis, Faith Kieley, goalie Rachel Coady, Maggie Carter, Bree Joyce, Jenna Keough, Kayleigh Dalton, Lyndon Kieley, Manager Laura Mullowney, Emma Ward, Zoe Brennan, Grace Boland, Lauren Johnson, Coach Jonathan Carter, Lexi Burke, Abbi Sullivan, Callie Coombs, and Trainer Jed Kieley. Missing from the photo is Head Coach Jennifer Bidgood. Photo courtesy of Laura Mullowney

Posted on April 13, 2023 .