St. Kevin’s GSA Club hosts third annual pride parade

Members of St. Kevin’s High School Gay Straight Alliance/Social Justice Club held a brief flag raising ceremony outside the school Monday prior to the third annual Pride Parade. Members of the club, which was first formed some 15 years ago, were joined by many other students for the march through the Goulds. In the back, from left to right, are Marty Murphy, Sam Gard, Emily Putt, Sam Breen, Mr. Ed Foley, and Ms. Tracy Nixon. In the middle row, from left to right, are Stacey O'Brien, Emily Best, Julia Daley, Cordelia Humphries, Ms. Donna Walsh, and Ms. Nicole Clarke. In the front, from left to right, are Brianna Howlett, Alix Guest, Autumn Clarke, Maddie Whelan, Nadia White, and Keylie Chaulk. Mark Squibb photo.

By Mark Squibb / June 9, 2023


Overcast skies did little to dampen the spirits of St. Kevin’s High School students who marched in the school’s third annual Pride Parade on Monday.

The school’s Gay Straight Alliance/ Social Justice Group hosted the parade to mark Pride Month celebrations, and some 40 students and teachers, many dressed in colorful outfits and waving pride flags, marched through the Goulds proudly declaring their support of the LGBTQ community.

“It’s important to know that you’re not alone,” said Grade 9 student Nadia White. “A lot of people do struggle with their identity and knowing that there are other people out there who are struggling with you really helps.”

Pride Month is held across North America and Europe each June to honour the 1969 Manhattan Stonewall Uprising, a series of riots and protests that erupted after New York City police raided the Stonewall Inn, a Greenwich Village gay club, and arrested several patrons and charged them with engaging in homosexual behaviour, which, at the time, was still illegal.

That same year, Canada decriminalized homosexual activity, although the Supreme Court of Canada did not recognize sexual orientation as a protected right until 1995.

In 2005, Canada became the fourth country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage.

“Homophobia will never end,” said Grade 9 student Maddie Whelan “So this is to raise awareness, and to help other people who are struggling, and maybe are in abusive households.”

Students suggested that folks in the community participate in local pride events, because a little support goes a long way.

“It’s good to feel acknowledged, and to be recognised, and to know that we’re seen and not alone,” said Grade 9 student Autumn Clarke, who also encouraged people to educate themselves about the issues before making a comment that they can’t take back.

When asked how people can support the LGBTQ community Pride Month, Grade 9 student Alix Guest offered a succinct piece of advice. “Put flags up— and don’t be rude.”

Posted on June 15, 2023 .