St Kevin’s teacher uses common sense applying the meaning of a ten-dollar word

St. Kevin’s High School teacher Greg White (left) was one of nine teachers from across the province to be named a recipient of the 2023 Minister of Educations Award. Caitlin O'Brien, right, nominated White for the award, and three of his students wrote recommendations. Submitted photo.

By Mark Squibb / June 29, 2023


One day, a student approached Greg White and asked him what a pedagogy was.

White explained to the student that a pedagogy is essentially a teacher’s philosophy of teaching.

The student then turned it back on White and asked what his own personal pedagogy was.

“When I walk into a classroom, I concern myself with not making better students, but making better people,” said White. “That’s always been my philosophy — to walk in and influence these youth to try and be better people. And everything else falls into place — the curriculum falls into place; the lessons fall into place.”

White, who teaches English and Social Studies, and spearheads the school’s drama troupe, says he tries to influence his students for the better both by being a role model and also creating a space in his classroom where students can feel free to be themselves.

That approach to teaching has recently earned White a 2023 Minister of Education Award.

“I was a bit shocked actually, I wasn’t expecting it at all,” said White. “The kids really kept the nomination under wraps really well, so I had no idea I had been nominated. I received a phone call from the Department of Education, and at first, I thought. ‘Oh no, what did I do?’ but they congratulated me and said that I had been nominated and selected to receive one of the Minister’s awards. I was blown away by the news.”

White was nominated by colleague Caitlin O'Brien, and three students volunteered to write letters of recommendation.

“I was lucky enough, once I found out, to have a chance to read all of their letters, and it was really sweet,” said White. “To see their feelings written out was really nice to see.”

White was one of nine teachers from across the province to be named recipients of the award.

Premier Andrew Furey and Minister of Education Krista Lynn Howell will present the recipients with their awards at a ceremony this coming fall.

Posted on July 6, 2023 .