Mobile Central High Grade 9 girls basketball won first ever Grade 9 A Level provincial tournament

The Mobile Central High Grade 9 girls basketball team has won the first ever Grade 9 A Level provincial tournament. Typically, the tournament has been divided into eastern and western divisions. In the back, from left, are coach Geri-Lynn Devereaux, assistant coach Jodine McCormack, Erin O'Driscoll, Zoe Crane, Gracie Dalton, Audrey Molloy, Neela Mullowney, Leela Joyce, Lucy Murphy, Christa Power, Callie Sears, and assistant coach Jane O'Driscoll. In the front row, from left, are Ella Hefferman, Taylor Windsor, Bridget Molloy, Kennedy Melvin, Ava Collett, and Emma Oates. Submitted photo

Posted on April 19, 2024 .