Bay Bulls trims the paperwork for building permits

By Craig Westcott

Bay Bulls council has agreed to simplify the paperwork required for development applications.

At their regular public meeting Tuesday, councillors, with the exception of member Jason Sullivan, who was absent, voted unanimously to adopt a revised policy for development applications.

"We're just trying to simplify our process and our policies that have evolved over the years," said Deputy Mayor Jason O'Brien, who put forward the motion to change the application form for buildings and other new developments. "I think we’re going from 11 different application forms for various applications around our town. I think it's a great idea to go back to one simple form with a few different check boxes to keep things simple that people can understand and get the information that's required."

It was seconded by councillor Ethan Williams.

"Absolutely, deputy, I would certainly say the same," added Mayor Keith O'Driscoll. "It's certainly better and more streamlined, I'm sure, for our staff as well. So, it's good to see."

In other council news:

• Changes have been approved to the Town's road servicing list following a recent review.

The first change is that the Town will complete minor road upgrades to the laneways known as Des's Lane and Williams' Lane.

The motion to add the work was made by councillor Corey Ronayne and seconded by councillor Williams.

"Williams' Lane off Southside Road has kind of been overgrown the last few years," said Deputy Mayor O'Brien. "We reviewed the boundaries of the land in that area, and it was recommended to bring it back to where the right of way was previously defined. Similarly for Des's Lane, it's been very cumbersome for the snow clearing (equipment) in wintertime and for road grading and whatnot. So, we reviewed the same thing, we reviewed all the surveys for the area. There is an established right of way in these areas... There's room for us there to upgrade this to a drivable fashion so that the snow clearing can be done more at ease."

• Meanwhile, Nagle's Lane has been removed from the servicing list. Mayor O'Driscoll stepped aside for that part of the discussion and vote as he has a relative living in the area.

"I move to remove the laneway known as Nagle's Lane from the Town of Bay Bulls road servicing list," said councillor Williams after the mayor left the table.

The motion was seconded by councillor Ronayne.

O'Brien said after reviewing the boundaries and surveys it was determined there is no defined right of way on the lane. "It's basically personal property in this area," he said. "So, to do such development is not feasible. There's not (enough) space available to allow us to do that."

• Council has approved a list of properties that staff will move to auction off to recover some of the taxes owed on them.

The list includes properties at 15-21 Irishtown Road, 145 - 147 Northside Road, 145 Southside Road, 139 Southside Road, 13 - 17 Station Road, 106 - 108 Alley Road, 113 - 119 Alley Road, and 85-91 Southern Shore Highway.

Deputy Mayor O'Brien asked Town Clerk Ashley Wakeham to give council and those tuned in to the meeting an overview of the regulations pertaining to the tax sale and the reason for it.

"As per the Municipalities Act (1999), we are able to sell properties at an auction in order to collect outstanding arrears of three years plus, up to six years," said Wakeham.

• Council also gave approval to staff to initiate claims in Small Claims Court for some properties that owe taxes.

"The reason we're going this route is to try to collet the money that is owed to the Town for arrears and minimize their debt," said O'Brien.

• And finally, Bay Bulls will have a more prominent role on the Southern Shore Joint Council with the recent selection of Deputy Mayor O'Brien as the group's chairperson.

O'Brien reported that in addition to his own appointment, the members of the committee recently discussed efforts by telecommunications company Bell to improve its cellular services along the Southern Shore, and the need for better quality products to be used by the provincial government when it is painting the traffic lines on the Southern Shore Highway as it seems the lines wear off every year.

Posted on May 17, 2024 .