Bay Bulls council denies request for civic number compensation

By Mark Squibb

Bay Bulls council has denied a resident’s request for compensation following a change in a home’s civic numbering.

Town Manager Ashley Wakeham explained there had been inconsistent civic numbering in the Long Pond Path area.

“The Town requested the Municipal Assessment Agency, which is responsible for civic numbering in town, to complete a review of the area, which was completed in 2020, and renumbering was done at that time,” said Wakeham “The Town recently received a request for compensation to change the numbers on one particular house on that road.”

Mayor Keith O’Driscoll said the Municipal Assessment Agency is responsible for assigning civic numbers.

“I feel that this is their issue,” said O’Driscoll. “If they issued a numbering for an address and then further down the road change it, that’s on them to compensate the resident for the error.”

Councillor Ethan Williams pointed out the Town does in fact provide numbers free of charge at the Town Hall.

Council also denied a resident’s request for a speed bump on Cemetery Lane West.

Deputy Mayor Jason O’Brien said the Town cannot control the speeds at which folks drive, nor the vehicles they drive, and that speed bumps don’t seem to be curbing speeding.

“It’s all about the person driving, not so much the road,” he concluded.

The motion to refuse the speedbump request passed unanimously.

Posted on June 28, 2024 .