Bay Bulls extends snow clearing contract

By Staff/August 19, 2021

The Town of Bay Bulls has extended its snow clearing and ice control contract with Southeast Construction Limited for another winter season.

Deputy Mayor Wendy O'Driscoll made the motion to extend the contract during Monday's regular monthly meeting of council.

"It's that time of year again," said Mayor Harold Mullowney, introducing the agenda item.

"It (snow) is a dirty word," joked O'Driscoll.

"It's coming, we can't stop it," said Mullowney.

Turning serious, O'Driscoll noted that for the Town's purposes, snow clearing season officially begins on November 1 this year and ends on April 30, 2022. “The terms of the agreement are to remain the same including the pricing," she added, though the actual rate was not cited during the meeting or in the public agenda.

O’Driscoll’s motion carried unanimously.

Posted on August 26, 2021 .

Crown Land applications approved in Bay Bulls

By Staff/August 19, 2021

All but one of the six development applications on the agenda for the August meeting of Bay Bulls council met with unanimous approval Monday night.

The only application that was rejected involved a request for Crown Land on Cemetery Lane West for a subdivision.

Deputy Mayor Wendy O'Driscoll moved to deny the application based on a report the Town had received identifying the area in question as a potential watershed area. There were also "life safety issues" involved with the application regarding the access to the land, O'Driscoll added. Her final objection was that the subdivision would require use of Lower Path Road, "which is not up to the Town standards," said O'Driscoll."

Her motion to reject the Crown Land referral passed unanimously, with the exception of councillor Joan Luby, who was not in attendance at the meeting.

The other applications, including one for an extension to a home at 850 Southern Shore Highway, Crown Land referrals for single family homes at Station Road and Gunridge Road, and for a variance and a residential accessory building at 9 Dunn Drive passed unanimously. However, the Town did impose several conditions on the accessory building. "No part of the building is to be built within 15 metres of the highwater mark of the river," said O'Driscoll. "And a road damage deposit of $10 per load as per the Town of Bay Bulls 2021 Tax and Fee Structure is to be paid for the backfill excavation to take place." 

The Town imposed similar conditions on an application for a residential accessory building at 36 Dunn Drive, including a road damage deposit of $10 per load for any backfill and excavation needed. "And no work is to be conducted on any adjacent properties especially with regard to the backfilling of the area," said O'Driscoll.


Posted on August 26, 2021 .

Fine day for fishin'

It was a fine day for fishing. Hayward Tucker of Witless Bay took his grandson Brayden Roberts, 9, of CBS fishing for some pan fish in the ponds in and around Mobile one fine Thursday last month. Mark Squibb photo

Posted on August 22, 2021 .

Riverhead and Tors Cove projects undergo environmental review

By Mark Squibb/August 12 2021

Two projects along the Southern Shore are currently undergoing a provincial government-ordered environmental review.

In St. Mary’s Bay, Pennecon has proposed to develop a 9-hectare laydown area, quarry, and commercial wharf near Graven Bank in the Town of Riverhead. That development would also include the upgrading of an existing trail into a 500-metre access road to the quarry, and the construction of a 700-metre access road from the quarry to the wharf to allow the load out of aggregate stones onto vessels.

Meanwhile, in Tors Cove, Ár n-oileán Resources Ltd. is proposing to renovate the former fish plant into a seal oil processing plant. The plant will make omega-3 oil and produce nutraceuticals, medicines containing high concentrates of a particular substance, such as omega-3 oil, thought to be beneficial.

Both undertakings were registered on July 14, and the deadline for public comment is August 20. The Minster of Environment and Climate Change Bernard Davis will make a decision on whether to release the projects from further environmental assessment by August 28.

Posted on August 22, 2021 .

Mirror, mirror on the pole...

By Craig Westcott/August 12 2021

Pennecon Limited has been given approval to install a convex mirror at the lower exit of its industrial site on the North Side of Bay Bulls harbour.

In introducing the motion to approve the application at Monday's public council meeting, councillor Eric Maloney noted the town will not be held liable for any damages, costs, or legal actions resulting from the installation.

Chief Administrative Officer Jennifer Aspell explained the purpose of the mirror is to provide an additional safety measure for traffic exiting the area. 

"This will be our first installation of a convex mirror within the town," said Mayor Harold Mullowney. "They are quite commonly in use in many other areas, especially in Ireland. They are very useful where you have blind turns and entrances. They can easily enhance the visibility and safety. I found myself in areas where I have encountered them in the past that they are excellent at night because they catch the light of oncoming vehicles that you wouldn't (otherwise) see until they come around sharp corners. So, I think it is a great idea."

Posted on August 22, 2021 .

Mayor encourages municipal newcomers

By Craig Westcott/August 12 2021

Bay Bulls Mayor Harold Mullowney used the closing minutes of the second last public council meeting of this term to encourage anyone listening to consider offering themselves for public office this fall.

"We're into that season again when elections are upon us," said Mullowney, who is one of the longest serving municipal leaders in Canada. "If there is anyone out there in the public who is giving this some thought, it would be a good time to think of stepping up. I know we've tried a number of times to fill some vacant seats without success. But again, if there is anyone interested, Nomination Day is fast approaching."

Chief Administrative Officer Jennifer Aspell noted the call for nominations will be well publicized and that Nomination Day itself extends from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, August 31.

"So hopefully a lot of people will mark that date," said the mayor, "and will give it some thought."

Posted on August 22, 2021 .

Feds fund repairs to Petty Harbour, Witless Bay, Bay Bulls docks

By Staff/August 12 2021

Petty Harbour, Bay Bulls and Witless Bay were among five towns on the Avalon Peninsula awarded money for wharf repairs last week as the federal government rolls out a battery of funding announcements ahead of an expected election call this month.

St. John’s South MP Seamus O’Regan, who represents the three Southern Shore towns noted above as part of his riding of St. John’s South – Mount Pearl, made the funding announcement.

The Petty Harbour work involves the removal of a deteriorated slipway and construction of new retaining cribs. Bay Bulls will see construction of floating docks. Witless Bay will get funding for “advanced planning” for the construction of a breakwater.

The other projects include construction of a finger pier to expand the St. John’s Prosser Rock small boat basin, and reconstruction of wharves in St. Philips that experienced storm damage last year.

“Canada’s oceans, the bounty in our waters, and the riches underneath them have created prosperity for our province,” said O’Regan. “We’re investing in local fish harvesters by improving local harbour infrastructure across Canada, including right here on the Avalon Peninsula. This will create jobs and provide continued prosperity for our community.”

Posted on August 22, 2021 .

Bids too high, Bay Bulls calls new trail tender

By Craig Westcott/August 12 2021

Bay Bulls council has decided to retender a call for bids to build the Long Pond walking trail.

Chief Administrative Officer Jennifer Aspell explained that an e-mail vote to do that was actually conducted on July 27, because it was a very time sensitive issue. Monday's vote at council’s public meeting was to ratify the results of the e-mail vote.

Deputy Mayor Wendy O'Driscoll further explained the original tender was called in June and two bids were received, both of which significantly exceeded the Town's estimate for the cost of the work and the funds it had available to pay for it. So, the company the Town is using to design the trail, Tract Consulting, revised the specifications for the project and submitted them again to the province for approval.

"On July 27, the Town received the approval from the department to re-issue the tender," said O'Driscoll. 

The motion to approve the calling of a new tender passed unanimously with O'Driscoll and councillors Paddy Coady and Eric Maloney voting in favour. Mayor Harold Mullowney didn't participate in the discussion and vote, citing a conflict of interest. Councillor Joan Luby was absent from Monday's meeting.

Posted on August 22, 2021 .

The Southern Shore United Under 11 Girls soccer team enjoyed a weekend of victories and fun during a tournament played in Paradise July 31 – August 1. Not only did the squad go undefeated during the annual SunSplash tourney, they kept every team they played scoreless. They beat the Fieldians 1-0 in the championship game. The members of the team include, starting in the front row, from left: Anna Tuff, Olivia O'Driscoll, Ali Curtis, Paityn Williams, Caroline Bragg, and Khloe Johnson; and in the back row from left: Assistant Coach Wendy Pittman, Jorja Vokey, Coach Keith O'Driscoll, Jane Keough, Hayden Guiney, Gianna Pittman, Georgia Hewitt, Sophie O’Driscoll, Coach Dale O'Driscoll, and Assistant Coach Charlotte Curtis.

Hayden Guiney was named team MVP while Gianna Pittman won most Sportsmanlike for SSU.

Posted on August 12, 2021 .