Witless Bay rejects Bay Bulls' call to help with Lifestyle Centre repairs

By Mark Squibb/February 17, 2022

Witless Bay council has denied a request for funding from the Town of Bay Bulls to help with repairs to the Bay Bulls Regional Lifestyle Centre.

“I can elaborate further, but for the sake of making a motion, I move the town deny the request for funding for the Regional Lifestyle Centre,” said councilor Alex Troake.

The motion was seconded by Deputy Mayor Lorna Yard and passed unanimously during the February 8 council meeting.

Councilor Nancy Burke was not in favour of denying the request outright.

“It’s a regional facility and I think it’s worth discussing further with the organization to perhaps discuss what it is they’re looking for and how much they are looking for us to contribute and for how long,” said Burke. “I think that we would need more information from them. Perhaps an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) would be something that would be appropriate, rather than outright deny the request.”

Troake made clear he was against that idea.

“We had an impromptu meeting with the Town of Bay Bulls in the fall, and at that time they did mention it, and at the time I believe the figure was between $30,000 and $40,000,” said Troake. “Our request, like everything else we handle, was for them to send a formal request to the town office for our consideration. Now, unfortunately, that request was not sent until after the 2022 budget was approved. So, again, it’s a balanced budget, and to enter into an MOU now would mean cuts from other areas. So, it is something that we can discuss moving forward.”

He added the Bay Bulls Bauline Athletic Association (BBBAA) MOU will expire this year, and that the coming year might be the right time to reconsider how the town funds regional recreation.

“Probably we can look at the bigger picture of recreation assets in general, and have one MOU to cover everything, because, the thing is, the Bay Bulls Regional Lifestyle Centre is regional, but it’s not regional in the sense that there’s an MOU whereby regional partners contribute anything at this point,” said Troake. “If you want to get into that, how does the Puffin Centre fit into that? How do other regional assets fit into that?”

Councillor Jacob Hayden indicated he could see both sides.

“I agree with both Nancy and Alex, actually,” said Hayden. “I do agree that we should support it, but at the same time, we had requested, when we met with the Town of Bay Bulls, that they, like Alex said, issue a formal request to the town, requesting an actual number of funds and such, before we finalized our budget, and that wasn’t done. So, like Alex said, its very hard to pull the money from other aspects that have been budgeted in the town. But, at the same time, I do support the regionalization of the entire area, so maybe that’s something that we can look at and hopefully put into the works for the future budgets that we issue.”

Posted on February 23, 2022 .

BBBAA hopeful Witless Bay will agree to funding boost

By Mark Squibb/February 17, 2022

Bay Bulls to Bauline Athletic Association (BBBAA) chairman Scott Penny says he is hopeful the Town of Witless Bay will approve a request for more funds, which council deferred last week.

 “Council seems very open to working with us,” said Penny. “They understand the value and importance of the BBBAA.”

Penny explained that for the past decade the BBBAA has had a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in place with both Witless Bay and Bay Bulls wherein each town contributes $37,500 per year. The MOU is set to expire next year. The funding covers staff salaries and operating costs, such as cell phone bills and office expenses.

Each year, the BBBAA also hosts an auction dinner and dance, through which they raise between $75,000 and $80,000. Those funds are rolled into regional programing and infrastructure.

“Obviously with COVID, we haven’t been able to do that,” said Penny. “So, last year we went to both towns and asked for additional support because we didn’t have as many registered kids in our programs because of COVID and restrictions. So, we weren’t generating enough of our own revenue. Both towns gave an additional $12,500. This year, we went back with the same request. Bay Bulls have accommodated us, and Witless Bay, from what I understand at this point, have agreed to the $37,500, but we’re still in discussions on the balance of the $12,500.”

Extra staff and additional cleaning measures have caused costs to increase, he noted.

Witless Bay councilor Alex Troake raised the issue during the February 8 public meeting.

“I don’t know if it’s best to defer or deny, but essentially, the plan is to have the new town manager and the BBBAA work together to identify how best to move forward,” said Troake. “It’s probably best to defer, so it stays on the books later… And the situation that’s prompting the BBBAA to request additional funding this year is that in 2020, for funding in 2021, the town was able to get government money because of COVID, and bumped it from $37,000 to $50,000. And they are requesting that we do that again. The issue is that we don’t have that COVID funding this year, and to match a $50,000 ask, we would have to cut $13,000 from our balanced budget somewhere else. So, as much as we all support recreation, it’s not as simple as approving the request. We have to have a serious discussion moving forward.”

Councilor Nancy Burke, who during the initial budget presentation in back in January said she was disappointed that council was not providing the full $50,000 the BBBAA had requested as they are still unable to fundraise, said she had “a lot to say on the issue,” but that she would wait until the motion was put forward.

Council unanimously voted to defer, although there was no further discussion on the matter.

The Irish Loop Post reached out to councillor Burke later, who said that as council had voted to defer the motion, she could not comment. She did, however, pledge her support for the BBBAA.

“I will say that I am a big supporter of the BBBAA and their efforts, which is why I am thrilled to be council's rep on their board,” wrote Burke in an e-mail. “I think that they provide a service that has never been more essential than it is today. As we move toward making our way out of a global pandemic that has kept people isolated in their homes, forced to stay away from family and friends, unable to participate 'normally' in many of the activities that they love and enjoy, recreation has never been more important. Recreational activities will play a significant role in helping people to recover both physically and mentally from the social and emotional side effects of Covid-19. This makes the BBBAA important, and I think it is important for Witless Bay Town Council support them, which we do. One of the main reasons that I ran for council was to make more varied activities available to our youth. Movement has started in those efforts, and I am hoping and planning to partner with the BBBAA to get things off the ground. I am very much looking forward to the collaboration between Witless Bay Town Council and the BBBAA.”

Penny, meanwhile said he understands the rationale provided by council and appreciates that balancing a budget is hard work, but still believes council ought to approve the increase.

“It’s not easy to do the budget,” said Penny. “Some things have to be cut… I totally understand the pressures. For us, we’ve worked very closely with the town of Witless Bay, we were heavily invovled and contributed over $35,000 to their pool upgrade and we’ve committed another $20,000 to the next phase of that upgrade. So, again I get their rationale. At the end of the day council is going to make a decision that is in the best interest of their community.”

He argued further that he felt that the BBBAA, with its after school and day camp offerings, was critical in attracting young families.

“At the end of the day, when a young family is trying to decide where to reside and build a home, and set roots for their families, they need supports,” said Penny. “They’re looking for small town communities that have big city amenities. Now, we have a beautiful Regional Lifestyle Centre where we are able to operate our summer camp program which peaks at 65 to 75 kids, and we do an afterschool program. So, when a young family sees that, they say, ‘Hmm, that community is checking the boxes’… You can pave all the roads you want, but if you don’t attract and grow your residential base, you’re not going to grow your tax base, other than increasing your taxes on residents.”

Penny was not surprised that the request was not approved outright. He said BBBAA representatives had met with council in December, and that council had at the time said that they may not be able to approve the increase.

“They said at that time that they had to prioritise in their budget, and that there were no guarantees,” said Penny. “Disappointed, yes, but again, at the end of the day, they were upfront with us that there were some challenges that they were trying to figure out.”

Regardless, he said he’s looking forward to meeting with the town in the coming weeks to hash out an arrangement.

“Is it all going to be hugs and kisses? Probably not,” he said. “There’s going to be a discussion on something that is very critical to the region and you’re up against a community that is trying to figure out roadwork and infrastructure upgrades and washouts with the changing of the weather.”

Should the funding request not be approved, Penny said, it could result in higher registration fee at the BBBAA.

“We would have to look at possibly raising rates,” said Penny. ‘It’s not somewhere we want to go, because to us that’s just another form of taxation.”

Town of Bay Bulls CAO Jennifer Aspell confirmed that Bay Bulls has, like last year, approved a contribution of $50,000 for 2022, an increase of $12,500 from the agreed upon $37,500.

Penny said both towns have been fabulous partners over the years.


Posted on February 23, 2022 .

Witless Bay welcomes new Fire Chief and Town Manager

By Mark Squibb/February 17, 2022

The Town of Witless Bay has appointed a new town manager and a new fire chief – again.

If that sounds like déjà vu, it’s because the town did just that in September and May last year respectively.

In September, the Town hired Kevin Kelley to replace outgoing CAO Pat Curran. Kelley tendered his resignation by early October. Likewise, in May the town hired Maria Churchill as the town’s first paid fire chief. Churchill resigned that October. Former assistant clerk Barbara Harrigan had also resigned earlier that summer, and town clerk Geraldine Caul was on a leave of absence. The situation left the town hall without staff for several months.

Harrigan returned temporarily to assist the transition of the seven new council members in September. Last week’s meeting was slated to be her last, and council members thanked her for her help.

During that same meeting, council unanimously appointed Shawn Kavanagh as the new town manager and acting town clerk.

“Myself, along with the mayor and deputy mayor led the recruitment process, which I’m glad to say that we saved the town thousands of dollars that would previously have been paid to a consultant,” said councilor Alex Troake. “We received some very good applications. Ultimately we interviewed four candidates, and Shawn was definitely the best fit. He’s familiar with Witless Bay and has roots here. He spent a lot of time at his grandparents’ home on Fisherman’s Road.”

Kavanagh is a lawyer and is the chairman of Calvert’s Local Service District.

Council also unanimously voted to appoint Jack Gatherall as the new fire chief.

“The Town of Witless Bay and the Witless Bay Volunteer Fire Department are delighted to welcome Jack Gatherall to the position of Fire Chief,” said Deputy Mayor Lorna Yard. “Jack has been a dedicated volunteer since 2015 and is very familiar with how the Department functions at all levels.”

Gatherall was recognized as the department’s Firefighter of the Year in 2019, and was also the department’s training officer. Yard didn’t say if the chief will be paid. A request for clarification from the Town Hall wasn’t returned.

“Myself and Alex worked with the fire department to lead the hiring committee, thus saving thousands in consultant fees,” said Yard. “And one thing that was really important to us all was to recognise and appreciate the deep commitment of both current and former volunteers in the department, and we felt that if it was at all possible, we would like to promote from within, and recognise that commitment, and fortunately in Jack we found an excellent candidate for fire chief. He knows the department, he knows the area, he knows our strengths and weaknesses, and without doubt, he has shown unwavering dedication to furthering the goals of the department for years to come.”

Posted on February 23, 2022 .

Stella Maris getting WWF grant for pollinator

By Mark Squibb/February 10, 2022

Stella Maris Academy in Trepassey is on the receiving end of a World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Canada Go Wild School grant valued at $1,000.

The school will be use the money to create a pollinator garden on the school grounds in the spring.

“The purpose of the pollinator garden is to create a space that will attract lots of living things, like butterflies, bees, birds, insects — things that will pollinate flowers,” said Instructional Resources Teacher Lauren Gregory. “We’re trying to include native flowers as much as possible.”

The school had initially applied for $500, but the WWF doubled thee request. The school also received a $750 grant from the provincial government last year for a school vegetable garden.

Gregory said the grants work in tandem to encourage outdoor learning.

“We’re in the process of building an outdoor classroom and setting up a space so we can get the kids outdoors a lot more, instead of being in the building,” explained Gregory. “It’s nice to encourage the kids to be outside, because a lot of kids spend so much time indoors, we want to get them out as much as possible… Right now there’s not a lot of plants around the school… So, we’re trying to make a more inviting outdoor space.”

Gregory hopes work on the garden will begin this spring, once the weather clears up.

Posted on February 15, 2022 .

Radio silence being maintained at Witless Bay town hall

By Mark Squibb/February 10, 2022

If you had dialed into the Witless Bay special meeting Friday night, January 28, you would have found yourself waiting. And waiting. And waiting.

After 15 or 20 minutes of listening to conference call muzak, you might have checked the town’s website for an update. Not seeing anything posted there, you may have headed over to facebook — if you have an account — where you would have seen a post made less then five minutes before the scheduled meeting was supposed to start saying it had been rescheduled to Sunday night.

On the agenda were two new items: an application to ACOA for cost shared funding under the Canada Community Revitalization Fund and an amendment to the 2022 Town of Witless Bay Tax Structure, Rates, and Fees.

The Irish Loop Post was not in attendance for Sunday night’s meeting, but contacted the town hall Monday morning, January 31, to see what the motions entailed, and if they had been passed. No response was received and no response was made after the Town Hall was contacted twice again later in the week. The Irish Loop Post also contacted Mayor Trevor Croft about the motions and was told that office personnel should have the information.

As of deadline Tuesday, February 8, no response has been received from the Town Hall.


Posted on February 15, 2022 .

The story behind Horse Chops Road

By Patrick Newhook/February 10, 2022

Filled with history and beautiful scenery, the town of Cape Broyle drapes like a rugged stole on the rocky and tree covered shoulders of an eye-captivating harbour on what early colonists once dubbed the English Shore.

With a population of 489, the town’s residents are proud of their history.

One of them, Andrea O’Brien, also happens to be the Municipal Outreach Officer for Heritage NL, so knowing her history is important to her.

Like many communities on the Southern Shore, Cape Broyle has some unique names. Take Horse Chops Road. Located near the entrance of town, Horse Chops Road is a long a winding track, with Horse Chops Pond lying on side of it and smaller Pidgeon House Pond located further in.

O’Brien says the origin of Horse Chops as a name for the pond and the road supposedly comes from a rock found on it.

“The story I heard about Horse Chops Road, at the very end of Horse Chops Road where the power station is, there’s a big rock up there with kind of a split in it and the rock looks like the rear end of a horse, which would be the chops of an animal,” says O’Brien.

Another unique local name is Fairy Pond Road. Located in the center of town, Fairy Pond Road connects the Main Road to Lower Road. O’Brien is aware of two stories as to how it got its name.

“There’s no actual pond in Fairy Pond,” she said. “The pond next to Fairy Pond is actually School House Pond. The story that I heard growing up was that sometimes when there’s a lot of rain, there is a little section in Fairy Pond where the water gathers and then disappear, of course, when the ground dries out. And the name Fairy Pond came from this kind of appearing and disappearing pond, and I guess who would do that kind of thing, the fairies would.”

The other explanation is similar.

“Another story I heard was from someone who lived in Fairy Pond, and she said when she was young, her father told her that the fairies would play down by the beach,” said O’Brien.

O’Brien says some area names have changed over the years, making it hard to know what the original meaning was supposed to be.

“There’s a place called Kisha, and some people pronounce it Kishu...and that’s where people had gardens years ago for growing hay and growing vegetables and I’ve asked Irish speakers that I know and they think it might be related to a kind of really skinny pieces of wood that were used years ago to make fences, to make water fences, but no one knows (for sure),” says O’Brien. “That was named when people arrived here and no one really remembers what the name is. There’s places on our landscape that we really don’t know what they mean anymore, but they really speak to our heritage of Irish people immigrating here in the late 1800s.”

Posted on February 15, 2022 .

One Bay Bulls resident seeks the light, another hopes to avoid the ice

By Mark Squibb/February 10, 2022

A Bay Bulls resident whose home is located on the Southern Shore Highway is asking council to install a pole light on the road.

“They said there is a lack of lighting, which makes it dangerous entering and existing their driveway,” Mayor Neil O’Brien explained at last week’s public council meeting.

The closest pole light is a full 43 metres from the property, he added.

Deputy Mayor Jason O’Brien moved that council should install a light at the intersection of the main highway and Track Road Extension instead, arguing that placing a light there, as opposed to nearer the driveway, would be better for the whole area.

“We reviewed the area, and overall, the intersection is more of a risk than one particular driveway,” said the deputy.

In other development news, council is taking action to address water run-off at 140 Track Road Extension.

The issue had come up during the December council meeting and was on the agenda again January 17.

Mayor O’ Brien said council had three options before it to deal with the concern, but didn’t provide details.

Deputy Mayor O’Brien moved to go with the second option, which will see town staff deal with the run-off instead of hiring a contractor.

“The reason, for the public’s point of view, that we’re doing this, is we have enough water and ice and slush in the wintertime built up on the roads, so for road safety purposes, as there’s a lot of traffic out in that area and a lot of people walking, we wanted to address the ice, as it may be a safety hazard,” said the deputy. “We want to make our roads as safe as possible.”

Both motions were approved unanimously.



Posted on February 15, 2022 .

Cape Broyle girl changing Bronco colours for Tigers' stripes

Submitted by Jacinta McGrath

for The Irish Loop Post

Gracie Dalton has come a long way since she began bouncing a basketball in her backyard in the Southern Shore community of Cape Broyle. Some may argue that even back then, she was a standout when it came to the game of basketball. 

Gracie’s game has evolved since she first donned the Bronco uniform as a determined little 5-year-old hoopster player at Baltimore School. Since the very beginning she had skills and more importantly a desire to continuously improve her game. Some of that help came from her big sister, Brianna, who had quite a successful high school basketball career in her own right.  When the two were on the court, there were no words needed – one sister always knew where the other would be on the floor, what the next move was and who was going to make it.  Perhaps some of that sixth sense came from their mother, Leanna, who coached the girls for most of their lives.  As a coach, Leanna’s love of the game is no secret.  No doubt this passion rubbed off on her daughters, but perhaps the most significant lesson she taught them is to never settle for anything less than their best. 

And that’s just what Gracie Dalton is giving. As her final year of high school closes in at Baltimore School, Dalton has built up quite the CV in terms of sporting accolades. She has her name on 16 Provincial Championship banners, has won endless Player of the Game awards and MVP of the tournament awards. She has represented the province on five provincial Newfoundland and Labrador teams and for two years standing was honored with the Premier’s Athletic Award which recognizes the province’s top athletes. Dalton is a go-to player on the CE23 club team and a member of the 2022 Canada Games Team that will be travelling to Niagara Falls later this year. 

Well known coach of the CE23 club team, Doug Partridge says, “It has been an absolute pleasure to have had the opportunity to coach Gracie at the club level and work with her as a provincial athlete. She is a special player and competitor who makes those around her better. She reminds me of athletes like Michelle Healey and Amy Dalton, who have that force of will that drives their team to accomplishment. It is not always in the box score, but is always in the final score. I am excited to see her move on to university play. I believe she will be a real force at the next level as well.”

If you happen to be on the Southern Shore Highway at 5 a.m. any morning of the week, you might meet Dalton traveling to St. John’s for an early morning practice. 

“Gracie has never given up on this dream of hers,” says Mom and coach, Leanna. “Despite everything that has happened with Covid, gyms shutting down and programs coming to a halt, Gracie has stuck with her plan and always found an avenue to continue to train and work on her game.”

Coach Sandra Kavanagh, who has also coached Gracie for many years, reiterates this sentiment. “Gracie is an all-around athlete with a love of sport, but it is her hard work and determination that really makes her a standout,” says Kavanagh.

It is no surprise her Canada Games coach, Ang Tornville, feels the same. “Gracie Dalton is a special kind of athlete and person that is destined for greatness on and off the court,” says Tornville. “Her sheer determination and desire for self-improvement is remarkable. She is a fierce competitor, an amazing teammate and absolute joy to coach.” 

Despite the early mornings and late evenings dedicated to her sport, Dalton also makes time to keep on top of her schoolwork. She has always been a stellar student – taking advanced courses and maintaining top grades.

It is no wonder that in her final year, with post-secondary prospects on the horizon, coaches from around the country had taken notice of the 5”10 guard and started knocking on Gracie’s door.  The final decision came down to what felt right and on December 16th the Dalhousie Tigers were happy to officially publish a press release with the news that they were naming their first recruit for the 2022-23 season – Gracie Dalton.  At Baltimore School, we are so happy for Gracie and we wish her every success as she moves forward in the next chapter of her basketball career!





Posted on February 9, 2022 .

Southern Shore towns tallying up damage from storm

The parking lot between the Colony of the Avalon building and the Southern Shore Folks Arts building was flooded this weekend — not with visitors, unfortunately, but with rainwater, following a heavy rainstorm that began Saturday evening. Chunks of the main road and sideroads were also washed out by the storm. Submitted photos

Posted on February 9, 2022 .