Witless Bay ups taxes on seniors home and seasonal businesses

By Mark Squibb/December 30, 2022

The Town of Witless Bay has passed a budget for 2023, and though council’s proceedings are nearly as mysterious and secretive as those of the Vatican, with little being said about the document during its public meeting, finance committee chairman Alex Troake, did answer some questions about it afterwards.

It took yet another special meeting of council, however, for the group to pass the budget last Thursday.

Troake went through the $4.7 million spending and taxation plan in about two minutes.

“Essentially we’ve been able to find revenue to offset all the increased expenses from the existing budget, and we will not see an increase in the residential mil rate, and in fact, the minimum will decrease from $550 to $400, which will double the number of people paying the minimum,” said Troake told his colleagues.

He later confirmed via e-mail that this was a reference to the minimum residential tax rate. He also noted this this puts Witless Bay’s residential tax rate on par with Bay Bulls while the commercial tax rate remains lower than its neighbour’s — 10 mils against the 14.75 rate charged by Bay Bulls.

During the meeting, Troake noted that personal care homes will be taxed at a general rate, an increase from 7 mils to 8.3 mils, and that registered day cares will be taxed at the same standard.

Troake said seasonal businesses, which actually had not appeared in the 2022 tax structure, will increase from 5 mils to 6.5 mils.

He said that as property values have decreased, residents may see a slight decrease in their residential taxes.

Troake also said there’s money to proceed with upgrades to the Town Hall, recreational facilities, and roads, and council will proceed with construction of a new fire hall.

The actual dollar amount of the budget was not mentioned during the public meeting.

When contacted by the Irish Loop Post, Troake said the budget is balanced at $4.7 million.

Some $2.2 million of that is money borrowed by the provincial and federal governments and transferred to the Town as their portion towards the cost of capital works projects. If you take those funds out, the Town’s actual operating budget is closer to about $2.5 million.

Meanwhile, Troake further clarified the change to the Town’s tax structure involving childcare and seasonal businesses.

“All businesses in the community are taxed,” said Troake. “Before the “Regulated Child Care Services” (8.3 mils) was created, the “General Commercial” (12.5 mils) would be applied. We felt it was important to create this new category so that businesses focused on youth are not taxed more than businesses focused on seniors in the “Licensed Personal Care Homes” category (8.3 mils). The rate of 8.3 mils was decided upon so that it is two-thirds of the “General Commercial” rate, rounded one decimal place.”

The budget document has since been uploaded to the Town’s website, should residents wish to have a gander.

As per the budget, the Town’s largest expense is fiscal services, including just over $3 million in capital expenditures (including, said Troake, $2,998,142 related to the new regional fire hall project) and $137,000 in payments on debt charges for the fire truck and new fire hall. The next largest expense is administration, budgeted at $450,320. Some $206,612 of that is for staff salaries. The rest will go to professional services, insurance, maintenance, and engineering services.

Council has reserved $5,000 for its own remuneration, and a further $7,500 for travel. It has also earmarked $2,865 for public relations.

Council projects it will collect about $1.28 million in residential and business taxes and $201,035 in fire protection service fees.

Posted on January 9, 2023 .

Cost increases force tax rise in Bay Bulls

The Town of Bay Bulls has balanced a $3.1 million budget for 2023, down slightly from the 2022 budget of $3.4 million.

The budget will see some increases in taxes.

Council has increased the residential mil rate to 5 mils, an increase of 0.5 mils over last year, with Mayor Keith O’Driscoll citing inflation as the culprit.

“We all want the best for our residents, tax-wise, and trying to achieve that with the cost of everything increasing is definitely a challenge for us,” said O’Driscoll. “But what we brought forward in our most recent budget is good for our residents, given the circumstances we have before us… We’ve brought in a discount to offset that new rate burden that we had to increase.”

That discount is 12 per cent discount, up from eight percent, for residents who pay their residential property taxes by May 31, 2023.

The vacant land tax has also increased from 4.5 mils to 5 mils.

Council held the commercial mil rate steady at 14.75 mils. All other taxes and fees remain unchanged.

Besides inflation, O’Driscoll cites the provincial government’s rule about “own source revenue” as a reason for the increase.

Council had requested, in November 2021, and then again in October 2022, an exemption from, or reduction to, the requirement, which is a mechanism that determines how much tax revenue towns must collect. Both requests were denied. In effect, council had to approve a higher tax rate than it wanted to implement.

“I was anticipating the result in any case, but we wanted to go through with it anyway,” said O’Driscoll. “The own source revenue requirement is an issue with me, and I’m sure it is for a lot of other towns. Government basically tells us what our minimum tax has to be through own source revenue, which is based on population and industries in the town. That own source revenue is, I think, a hinderance to towns like us. We’re more than capable of managing our budget. We don’t need government to indicate to us what we should be charging in regard to a minimum tax.”

As per the budget, the Town’s largest expense is fiscal services, coming in at $1.5 million. That incudes $1.1 million in capital expenditures and $171,937 in debt payments for upgrades to the Bay Bulls Regional Lifestyle Centre, and $707,556 in general government costs, which includes maintenance, engineering services, professional services, and salaries.

Posted on January 9, 2023 .

Witless Bay delays decision on BBBAA funding

By Mark Squibb/December 30, 2022

Witless Bay council has held off making a firm decision as to whether it will financially support the Bay Bulls to Bauline Athletic Association (BBBAA) until sometime in the new year.

A memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the BBBAA was on the agenda for a special meeting called for December 22, the same meeting during which council passed the 2023 budget and tax structure, but council voted to delay the matter regarding the regional recreation group.

Councillor Nancy Burke, council’s BBBAA representative, motioned that the Town defer making a decision.

“We require more discussion, and we need to make some more decisions ourselves, before we make a final decision, and take this to a vote,” explained Burke.

The motion to defer passed unanimously.

Witless Bay, along with neighbouring Bay Bulls, have for years paid the BBBAA an annual operating grant of $37,000 each. In 2021, both towns provided a boost of $13,000 each on top of that to help the organization deal with increased costs due to the pandemic. The extra funding was made possible by government COVID-19 financial support, which is no longer in place.

In March of this year, council voted to deny a request from the BBBAA to match the 2021 total funding of $50,000, instead choosing to stick with providing $37,000 as per the MOU.

The matter divided council, with councillors Jacob Hayden, Nancy Burke, and Ralph Carey voting in favour of granting the increase, and councillor Gerard Dunne, finance committee chairman Alex Troake, Deputy Mayor Lorna Yard, and Mayor Trevor Croft voting against it.

At the time, Troake noted the MOU was set to expire and council should reconsider how it funds the town’s recreation services.

During a public meting held on November 24, Burke reported that negotiations were still ongoing with the BBBAA and would need to be completed by December 9 in order for any funding to be accounted for in Budget 2023.

Though the decision is still up in the air, council did make allowance in the budget of $37,000 for recreation administration.

That money is earmarked for the BBBAA — should council decide to continue funding the group.

“If council decides not to renew its agreement with the BBBAA, or if the approved amount is lower than $37,000, the funding will be reallocated to other recreation and community initiatives in Witless Bay,” explained Troake in an e-mailed response to an inquiry from the Irish Loop Post. “Should council agree to provide the BBBAA with the $50,000 they’ve requested, $13,000 (and potentially an additional $8,000 to pay for audited financial statements) will have to be cut from other areas, including roadwork, speed bumps, and funding for groups such as the Heritage Committee and Kinsmen.”

Posted on January 9, 2023 .

Wall collapses led to interesting discoveries at Colony of Avalon this year

The Colony of Avalon’s archaeological field crew this past summer included, starting in the back row, from left: Jess Thompson-Spence, Melissa Coady, Lee Gillis, Carli Perri; in the middle row, from left: crew chief Neil Jordan, chief archaeologist Dr. Barry Gaulton, Fraser Griffith; and in the front row, from left: Mercedes Johnson, Alessandra McMillan, Donna Teasedale and Alyssa Gladney.

Posted on December 28, 2022 .

Council does about faces on lighting assessment, snow communications

Two motions approved by Bay Bulls council lasted just a month before being rescinded.

Council, during its November 17 meeting, rescinded two motions made in the previous public meeting.

Councillor Jason Sullivan moved that council rescind a motion, approved unanimously on October 12, for NL Power to complete a lighting assessment of 40 locations specified across town.

Deputy Mayor Jason O’Brien noted there was a cost associated with the work, with Sullivan clarifying that it was a high cost.

Council also rescinded a motion regarding snow clearing communications.

The motion was to have snow clearing contractor, Southeast Construction Ltd., send a group communication to council when equipment was started each day during the 2022-23 snow season.

That motion was also approved during the October 12 meeting, although both Mayor Keith O’Driscoll and councillor Shannon O’Driscoll voted against the motion.

There was no explanation offered as to why the motion was being rescinded.

Posted on December 14, 2022 .

Bay Bulls gets into the spirit of giving

By Mark Squibb/December 9, 2022

Bay Bulls councillors are getting into the Christmas spirit, having approved a number of donation requests during their November meeting.

First off was a request for support for the KIDMAS annual festival.

Council voted to provided $400 for the events, which took place November 25 to December 8.

The list of events included the annual tree lighting, which was held at the Town Hall on December 2.

Mayor Keith O’Driscoll noted the events were held by the Bay Bulls-Bauline Athletics Association (BBBAA).

Council also approved the kick off for the third annual ‘Light it Up’ Christmas challenge, in which residents can win prizes, provided by the Town, for decorating their homes.

Council approved a donation of 50 hampers for the Knights of Columbus Christmas Hamper program, at a cost of $600 taxes included, and $250 worth of scholarships for the Mobile Central High School Scholarship Fund (the cost covers five scholarships valued at $50 each.)

Council also voted to pay $230, taxes included, for an ad in the Royal Canadian Legion anniversary veteran recognition book.

One request for funds, however, went unheeded.

The RNC Association had requested a donation, but when councillor Jason Sullivan asked if council donated last year, Town CAO Jennifer Aspell said it had not.

“We do receive this request every year, but the RNC is outside of our jurisdiction,” said Aspell.

Council unanimously agreed to deny the request.

Posted on December 14, 2022 .

Witless Bay looking for better trails and brighter lights

By Mark Squibb/December 9, 2022

The Town of Witless Bay has voted to go to tender for one project and awarded a tender for another.

Council last week voted to go to tender on upgrades to the trail between Southside Track and Upper Pond.

“We were waiting on our input from our engineer on this, which is why it’s taken so long, but anyway, we have it, and we want to get it done ASAP, so hopefully the weather will cooperate,” said councillor Ralph Carey.

The Town awarded the tender during a special public meeting on December 6. Council voted to award the work to O’Brien’s Trucking Ltd. in the amount of $43,332, HST included.

Councillor Ralph Carey noted that no payment would be issued until the work is completed.

Meanwhile, in a meeting previously, Carey motioned the Town award the Lundrigan’s Road Site electrical work to Harbourside electrical in the amount of $3,700.

The electrical work in question is for a more reliable power supply for the Christmas Tree erected each year and will hopefully cut back on the jumble of electrical cords and wires.

Carey than clarified the work had been completed on November 23.

“This will be a permanent power source at Upper Pond area for many years to come,” said Carey.

All councillors present at that meeting, including Carey, Mayor Trevor Croft, councillor Alex Troake, and councillor Nancy Burke — Deputy Mayor Lorna Yard and councillor Jacob Hayden were absent while councillor Gerard Dunne declared a conflict of interest – were unanimously in favour of the motion.


Posted on December 14, 2022 .

The Witless Bay Guides enjoy greeting the spectators during the annual Christmas parade organized by the Kinsmen Club, which took place this past Saturday. Aggi Westcott photo

Posted on December 14, 2022 .

Bay Bulls renews contract with ERSB - against Sullivan's objections

By Mark Squibb/December 9, 2022

The Town of Bay Bulls has renewed its contract with the Eastern Regional Service Board (ERSB), though one councillor argued that council ought to look elsewhere for the service.

The board had requested a three-year waste collection contract extension, at a rate of $200 per household.

“Upon receipt of the letter, I did reach out to ERSB for further clarification,” said chief administrative officer Jennifer Aspell. “I asked whether there was an option to renew for less than three years, and the answer was ‘No,’ and I asked if the rate would be locked in for three years, and the answer was ‘No,’ however they would not raise the cost unless absolutely necessary.”

Aspell noted the ERSB had indicated the previous rate of $180 had been held steady for quite some time before going up to $200.

“So, they don’t have any plans to increase the fees, but they can’t commit to locking them in for the three-year period,” said Aspell, who added the ERSB had requested a motion be passed by November 30.

Councillor Jason Sullivan, who has often criticized the ERSB, bemoaned that council did not have time to tender waste collection.

Sullivan asked whether council could seek a month’s extension to request tenders from local contractors.

Aspell said a month wouldn’t be enough time to complete the necessary work.

“You would need more than a month,” said Aspell. “Because we don’t have a tender ready to go. So, we would have to develop the tender. I would say, if you really want to put a tender out, you would certainly need a couple of months to get something put together, issued, and received.”

Deputy Mayor Jason O’Brien said he doubted any contractors could compete with the rate being offered by the ERSB, and suggested the simple and straight forward thing would be to forge on with renewing the ERSB contract.

Sullivan countered that unless they tendered the work, they wouldn’t know for sure that ERSB actually is the cheapest option.

“They’re asking us to enter a contract without giving us a price,” said Sullivan.

O’Brien countered that within the last three years, the ERSB only raised their fee by $20.

“And fuel cost is going to escalate across the board, regardless of who’s driving the trucks,” said O’Brien.

Sullivan then claimed that someone must have been listening in to the meeting, because they texted him that they would do the work for a rate of $195. He said he didn’t recognise the number.

Sullivan then asked whether council could make the motion that they would accept the services at a set rate of $200.

Aspell said ‘No.’

In the end, the motion was approved unanimously.

Posted on December 14, 2022 .

The 2021-22 Herder Memorial Champions, the Southern Shore Puglisevich Senior Breakers, kicked off the season in style earlier this month, hoisting the 2021-22 Herder Memorial Championship Banner in a pre-game ceremony at the Ken Williams Southern Shore Arena in Mobile. Pictured are respective team captains Jeremy Nicholas of the senior Breakers, left, possible future senior Break Rian Ronanyn, and Daniel Cadigan of the Wexford Estates Outer Cove Marines for the ceremonial puck drop. The Breakers would go on to best the Marines 4 - 1. The Breakers currently sit at third place in the standings, having won three games and losing another in overtime for a total of seven points. Nathan Ryan photo

Posted on December 6, 2022 .