A 1695 half penny coin and first ever Algonquin relics among highlights of Colony’s 2024 field season

An aerial view of part of the Colony of Avalon grounds showing some of the stone falls and features that have been discovered by archaeologists over the years. This past summer proved to be one of the most successful seasons in terms of finding artefacts.

By Craig Westcott

Every year when Dr. Barry Gaulton presents his end of season archaeology report on the digging done at the Colony of Avalon site in Ferryland, he starts with a slide showing the biggest find of the year. This time, he started his talk with three slides; there were that many interesting arte-facts found in 2024.

“This year was exceptional in many ways,” said the Memorial University professor who serves as the Colony’s chief archaeologist.

This past summer Gaulton’s team focused on four parts of the site, two with a bit more urgency because of the damage they have been sustaining from storm surges and coastal erosion along the waterfront, including from Hurricane Ernesto this past fall.

The two more inland locations, on the southside of The Pool Road, were tackled in the hope of shedding more light on the early construction activities and operations of the Colony founded in 1621 by Baron George Calvert, and later by Sir David Kirke, a privateer and trader who served as Newfoundland’s first governor, who was based in Ferryland.

The waterfront area work included continuing an excavation from the previous year below the late 17th century cobblestone pavement, while the other involved digging a one by four metre trench in an area behind a more modern erection colloquially known as ‘The Moose Shack.’

“As it turns out, the small number of 17th century artefacts that we found in 2023 hinted at much more substantial and deep midden deposits revealed this year in 2024,” said Gaulton.

Midden is the archaeological term for a garbage deposit. They are often rich sources of arte-facts yielding food bones, cookware, and other detritus tossed away by people living centuries ago.

“There was a whole variety of English clay tobacco pipe bowls, there was also a variety of relief moulded decorated (pipe) stems produced in the Netherlands, there was an assortment of glass beads, including a really nice blue and white tube bead, as well some oval beads and some seed beads,” said Gaulton. “We found a circular lead gaming piece in the same area this year, we found some North Italian marble slipware, as well as a whole variety of ceramic pieces, pieces from North Devon, some milk pans, some case bottle glass, we even found a broken clay pipe stem that was drilled out to make a crude whistle. All of these objects clearly suggest there was a domestic (garbage) deposit originating from a nearby house, the location of which has yet to be determined. A notable find from this year from the midden that’s worthy of special attention is a couple of pieces of clay tobacco pipe that were decorated in what was referred to as the ‘running deer motif.’ These pipes are exceptional because they were actually made by Algon-quin peoples in Virginia and Maryland. This is the first such find at Ferryland in over 30 years of archaeology and as far as I know, it’s the first such find in Newfoundland if not in all of Canada, so quite an exciting discovery. As to how it got to Ferryland, the logical assumption is the pipe likely arrived along with shipments of tobacco from the Chesapeake in exchange for Newfoundland salt cod.”

Gaulton thanked the efforts off all the field and lab staff, and other staff for helping the season a success. He had particular praise for Neil Jordan and his “uncanny ability to sniff out parts of the site that are interesting, informative and rich in artefacts.

“The plan for 2024 was to excavate a test trench directly behind the moose shack to record any intact cultural deposits, or surviving features,” Gaulton said. “Although no structural features were found, there were thick cultural deposits from both the 17th and the 18th centuries, and these contained a tremendous number of objects associated with daily life in Ferryland. And even before Neil reached those deeper intact deposits, the upper disturbed layers hinted at good things to come in the form of a William III ha’penny (coin) dated 1695.”

Gaulton said the deposits suggest there was “intensive” occupation in the 18th century of the lower ground near the waterfront known as The Pool.

“This is evidenced by large quantities of English ceramics, including a variety of earthen wares and stoneware, there were English wine glass fragments, there were German stoneware pieces, pieces of flint, all sorts of clay tobacco pipes... and the area really was so rich in artefacts that Neil enlisted the help of our very own Lucille Hynes and Sarah O’Brien, both of whom found lots of objects on site including a wonderful example of a clay pipe produced by Reuben Sidney of Southampton, England.”

Gaulton said one of his favourite pieces discovered by Jordan was a small brass lock plate from a little box or chest that still had its springs and levers intact.

Below the 18th century layers there was a thinner 17th century deposit that contained a variety of similar objects.

“Given the richness of these deposits and what they can tell us about life in 17th and 18th cen-tury Ferryland and given its location along the exposed waterfront, we hope to return to the ar-ea in the future and continue additional excavation,” Gaulton said.

Another highlight of the past season was a ground penetrating radar survey conducted on The Pool Road. The results will be analyzed over the winter. “This may allow us to ‘see’ underneath the road for intact wall features and cobblestone pavements and slate drains and such,” said Gaulton.

The team also started mapping the Colony with a drone this past summer to start documenting the changing waterfront.

A third area excavated was an early 17th century drain that was associated with a brewhouse and stable that had been built in the 1620s.

“This work was part of a larger project looking at the various sanitation systems built during the Calvert period here at Ferryland,” Gaulton said. “Our goal this summer was to expose a small section of that drain that runs directly under the Colony’s cobblestone street. We also wanted to remove the capstones, take soil samples from inside the drain, record details on its construction, and finally attempt to determine the exact direction of that drain as it snakes its way under-ground, under the cobblestone street and under the current street so that we could locate its eventual outflow.”

The first part of the work was easy enough, Gaulton said, but tracing the direction of the drain proved harder. It turned out to be almost completely filled with silt. After managing to probe to about 30 feet, the archaeologists called in a sewer inspection crew from the City of St. John’s, who showed up with sewer cameras and other gear. In a last-ditch attempt to trace the line, they tried pumping a nontoxic red dye into the drain that eventually emerged near the seawall and inner harbour.

The fourth area explored is the former site of a buttery that served Calvert’s Mansion House. It was the first time excavating the area since 2012, when the location of the buttery was record-ed. This summer the archaeologists decided to explore near a small section of mortared stone wall between the buttery and a garbage deposit that had remained unexcavated. They began by removing the upper section of the stone wall that had once housed the Mansion’s adjacent kitchen building in order to get at the underlying midden.

The work indicated that parts of the neighbouring kitchen building have been modified and in-filled over time. “So, this really has the potential to change our interpretation of this particular building associated with the Mansion House,” said Gaulton. “Excavation of the associated refuse deposit in 2024 also revealed very clearly two distinct occupations, the first one associated with the initial construction and occupation back in the 1620s, and an overlying layer consisting of objects discarded in the second half of the 17th century based upon objects such as datable pipe bowls.”

The uppermost deposit also contained an interesting collection of artefacts, Gaulton said, in-cluding a large number of bones preserved in the mortar in the nearby wall. “Students and visi-tors were especially fascinated by all the rat bones, including the well-preserved mandibles and teeth,” he added. “These things were balanced with other informative pieces, things like a bale seal fragment. We found a pewter spoon handle, a small copper bell, we also found a tiny little silver sequin, some pins and needles fragments, and some large chunks of ceramic milk pans manufactured in places like England and Portugal. This is yet another area that is clearly worthy of further investigation…

“To conclude the 2024 field season was a resounding success and it really reinvigorated plans for future archaeological work at Ferryland,” Gaulton said. “There’s clearly more we can do to un-derstand this 17th century village, and so much more we can do to share with the community and the general public.”

Posted on December 30, 2024 .

Busy agenda for last meeting of the year

By Mark Squibb

The Town of Witless Bay last week held its last public meeting of 2024.

Kicking off the meeting was a vote to ratify an e-mail vote of December 6 to approve installation of a new septic system at the Town Hall at a cost of $21,447, and to award onsite excavation work at an additional cost of $11,850. Both prices are exclusive of HST.

Council also approved the purchase of a number of items for the fire department, including a bunker suit at $2,500, a P25 radio at $3,186, and a number of firefighting hoods at $4,300. According to Fire Chief Jack Gatherall’s most recent report, the department has responded to 266 calls as of December 1. Given the current call trajectory, the department expects to close out the calendar year with upwards of 285 calls — a 25 percent increase over last year.

Council also requested approval from the provincial government to borrow funds from the Community Credit Union to finance upgrades to the recreation grounds to help address flooding problems.

The project, valued at about $1.17 million dollars, is cost shared with the provincial government on a 90/10 split. The Town will be on the hook for about $106,539, which they will take out as a loan from the bank. The loan will be amortized for five years at an interest rate of 4.34 precent.

“As most residents of the town know, flooding has become a frequent problem, especially over the winter months and when we get heavy rain,” noted councillor Jacob Hayden.

Council also approved, in principle, a residential development along Dunn’s Lane.

Posted on December 20, 2024 .

New Appeals Commissioner appointed

By Mark Squibb

The Town of Bay Bulls held its final public meeting of the year December 9, and despite the meeting lasting only about 15 minutes, council attended to a number of matters ahead of the new year.

The first matter of business was to ratify the purchase of four culverts at a total cost of $4,697 plus HST. The culverts were needed to address an immediate concern within town.

Council also approved-in principle two residential developments, one on Northside Road and one along the main road, awarded a recruitment services contract at a cost of $3,250, plus HST, and purchased 40 compost bins at a cost of $1,800, plus HST, for use in a compost program. Residents will be able to buy a bin from the town hall at a reduced price.

Council also attended to a number of housekeeping items, such as approving the 2025 public meeting schedule, appointing Mitch Moran as Appeals Commissioner for 2025, approving town hall Christmas hours, approving prizes for the Christmas Light it Up Challenge, approving pre-authorized payments for 2025, and awarding staff Christmas bonuses.

Deputy Mayor Jason O’Brien took a moment to remind residents that beginning in 2025 garbage will be picked up on Thursdays, and Mayor Keith O’Driscoll closed out the meeting by wishing residents a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Posted on December 20, 2024 .

Steady as she goes on tax rates in Bay Bulls

By Mark Squibb

Bay Bulls council will hold the mil rate steady for residents and commercial businesses at 5.0 and 14.75 mills respectively.

Council approved both the 2025 tax structure and budget during a special meeting held November 28.

Budget 2025 was balanced at just about $3,787,361, down from the previous year’s budget of $4,387,032. Town Manager Ashley Wakeham said a large chunk of government funding approved in 2024 for phase 2 of the Long Pond Trail project accounts for the difference between both budgets.

Council has applied for capital works funding for both 2025 and 2026 but those numbers were not included in Budget 2025 as the money has not yet been awarded.

The Town has also launched a new tax assistance program offering a 25 percent reduction to qualified low-income residential taxpayers.

Wakeham advised the early payment discount date has been moved up to March 31 from May 3 to comply with the new Towns and Local Service District Act that will replace the Municipalities Act on January 1.

Posted on December 20, 2024 .

Bay Bulls to get new tourism signs

By Mark Squibb

The Town of Bay Bulls hopes to catch the eye of people passing on through with a pair of new signs along the main road.

One sign will be placed at the intersection of Southside Road and the Main Road and the other at the St. John’s Road and Main Road intersection, pending approval from the provincial government.

“We are trying to promote tourism and advertise this lovely centre that we have here, and our restaurants, rest areas, new park, tour operators, and the municipal building, all right here in our ‘downtown core,’” said Town Manager Ashley Wakeham. “It’s a great idea to direct traffic down here so people visit this lovely town rather than drive past it.”

Council approved a number of other action items during the meeting, including a motion to award catch basin cleaning to the lowest compliant bidder at a cost of $5,520, plus HST.

Deputy Mayor Jason O’Brien noted the Town received a number of bids and a variety of prices.

Posted on December 20, 2024 .

Ferryland holds the line on tax rates

By Mark Squibb

Ferryland council has approved the 2025 budget and tax structure and will hold the residential and business taxes steady at 6.9 and 10.9 mils respectively.

And although council has not raised any taxes and has committed to holding the mil rate steady, Ferryland Mayor Aidan Costello advised that residents will see some increases to their tax bills owning to a $25 increase for garbage collection courtesy of the Eastern Regional Service Board (ERSB) and rising property value assessments.

“We’re happy to say that council has not directly increased our taxes,” said Costello. “Indirectly, you’ll see some increases. But we’re happy to say we managed our budget and we’re looking forward to another good year.”

Costello said the budget, approved this November, has been balanced at just over $600,000, down about $60,00 — a decrease of about eight percent from last year.

Costello called it a “trim and slim” budget, adding that staff have found cost-saving measures at the water treatment plant, and repaired a handful of leaks over the last couple of years.

“We were losing a lot of water through those leaks, so we fixed those, and that has helped us cut back on water expenses extensively,” said Costello.

The mayor said line items such as fire protection services, snow clearing, road maintenance, and water and sewer remains the Town’s big-ticket items.

Roughly half of council’s overall revenue is generated through taxes.

Posted on December 20, 2024 .

Kenny clinches his 10th Ironman medal as he gears up for France

Cape Broyle’s Bernard Kenny, 51, has completed an Ironman triathlon – consisting of a 3.8 km swim, a 180 km bike ride, and a 42.2 km run — in Arizona this November with a time of about 11 hours and 21 minutes.

It’s an impressive feat, but it’s not Kenny’s first. In fact, this last competition marked Kenny’s tenth successful Ironman triathlon.

“When I did my first Ironman, back in 2014, I figured I would do one and then I could say I was an Ironman,” said Kenny. “But honestly, I think it’s an addiction. I think it’s a mental addition to pushing yourself to the limit… I’ve had horrible Ironman’s. I’ve had one where I felt like I was going to pass out. And I went into a port-a-potty and sat down, and put my head between my legs to get the blood flowing back into my head. I limped to an aid station and hung out drinking Red Bull and eating chips and pretzels and fruit to get my energy back. And I swore I would never do another one. I couldn’t wait to get it over with. And then a couple of weeks later, when it’s all over, you start to get the itch back again and you want to register for another one.”

Kenny added that by his participation he hopes to set a good example to others — especially his children.

“I want to show my kids that anything is possible if you put your mind to it,” said Kenny. “If there’s something challenging you want to do, if you work hard enough, you can reach that goal.”

All told, Kenny has completed 10 full triathlons and eight half-distance triathlons over the last decade. He has only ever had to bow out of one competition, and that was in 2017 when he crashed his bike while racing in Florida.

Of the many courses he’s done, the Mont-Tremblant course in Quebec – his first ever – remains one of his favorites.

“That was the very first one I did, which would have been in 2014,” said Kenny. “I did it again in 2018 and 2022. I got my best time on that course — 10 hours and 50 minutes. And that is a challenging course, so I was really happy with the result. I went into that race scared that I couldn’t even finish a full Ironman. I left that race feeling like, ‘Man, I’ve got a lot of fuel left in the tank, I probably could have went longer.’”

Kenny’s performance in Arizona has qualified him for the VinFast Ironman Men’s World Championship in Nice, France in September 2025.

“The race in Nice is one of the toughest on the whole circuit,” said Kenny. “The bike leg will be especially tough. But my plan is to enjoy it and take it all in. It’s a world championship race, and so all the pros will be there. It’s a great experience where you get to tow the line with the best in the world.”

But before heading to France, Kenny plans on heading to New York for Ironman Lake Placid on July 20.

“That’ll be a good warm up to Nice,” said Kenny. “The one in Lake Placid, New York has a lot of climbing as well, some 7,000 feet of climbing.”

Kenny said he aims to finish each triathlon within 11 to 12 hours. To do so, he needs to train upwards of 19 hours a week in the weeks leading up the competition.

“There’s a lot of training and a lot of sacrifices,” said Kenny. “For example, if you decided today that you want to do a triathlon, you need to start training and, in my opinion, you need a minimum of 10 hours of a week training. And the best option would be to start training one year out from the race, especially your first. And with the training program, you start small, and build up, just like if you had planned to do a marathon. If you’re just used to running a half marathon and you wanted to run a full marathon someday, you start training small and slowly build as the weeks progress.”

A competitor has to finish the race within 17 hours to receive a finisher medal, and Kenny said he’s seen folks crawl across the finish line.

And despite it being the shortest leg of the journey, Kenny said he has the most trouble with the swimming portion of the competition.

“Because I work offshore 28-days on, and 28 days off, I don’t get much swim training,” he said.

Kenny added that one of the most important things to remember when trying to keep fit, especially as you age, is to commit to a regular strength training and stretching routine.

“One thing I’ve learned from over the years and from doing all these races is that you cannot, cannot, forget the stretching, and strength training, especially as you get up into your mid-to-late forties and for sure in your fifties. You have to do strength training and take the time to do the strength training and the stretching. And I don’t use big weights. I use bands and body weight exercises. Strength training and stretching is critical.”

Originally from Cape Broyle, Kenny now resides in Witless Bay.


Ironman Bernard Kenny

Posted on December 17, 2024 .

Witless Bay Kin Club opens a bigger and better community pantry

By Mark Squibb

Members of the Witless Bay Kinsmen Club have begun accepting donations at their new, walk-in community pantry.

The new pantry is not only much bigger than the old, but the inclusion of a fridge and freezer allows the Kin Club to store refrigerated items such as meat, milk, cheese, and eggs onsite.

“Before, we could only accept donations of non-perishables,” said Kinsman Brian Harte. “So, we would have people drop off a donation of fish or chicken and message us and say, ‘Keep an eye on that, and if it doesn’t go, make sure to put it in the fridge.’ So now, you can just go in and put what you want in there.”

Harte said the new panty makes large donations, such as those collected by local sports teams, more manageable.

Harte noted a number of individuals, community groups, and businesses donate to the panty regularly. Students at St. Bernard’s Elementary in Witless Bay, for example, recently donated potatoes harvested from the school garden.

“Community support has been phenomenal,” said Harte. “We get a lot of food donated. The pantry runs itself pretty much. Every now and then we have to buy some food, but we get a lot of monetary donations as well… I wouldn’t say that the pantry is always full, but there’s always food going in there. I could go in one day and it will be empty, and then go in the next morning and find it full.”

The Kinsmen also partnered with shop class students at Baltimore School in Ferryland to build the pantry.

Harte said the students did the majority of the work.

“One of our members, Jamie O’Brien, is the shop teacher at Baltimore School,” said Harte. “He suggested that if we could throw in the funds for the supplies, he could get his class to do the work.”

The community pantry was first installed a number a years ago in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We realized, very quickly, that the pantry we had wasn’t big enough,” said Harte. “So, this is something that’s been on our plate for a few years now… There’s definitely a need, and I think that need has increased more than anything. It could be that there’s more awareness of the pantry, or there’s more of a need in the community, it’s hard to say.”

Folks can visit the panty at the Puffin Centre, in the same location as the original pantry.

Members of the Kinsmen Club of Witless Bay and Area this October opened a new, walk-in pantry at the Puffin Centre. The Town of Witless Bay recently donated registration fees from a recent flea market and upcoming craft fair, some $260 all told, to the club to help stock the community pantry. From left are Kinsman Adam Carey, Deputy Mayor Jacob Hayden, Kinsman Brian Harte and Kinsman Mark Tobin. Town of Witless Bay photo

Posted on November 19, 2024 .