Quality Home Care Service celebrates opening of its own building
By Mark Squibb | Vol. 12 No. 26 (December 18, 2019)
Driving along the main road through Ferryland, you’ll notice a professional looking new building on your left-hand side.
It’s the new home of Quality Home Care Services.
Dianne Costello started the business in June of 2006.
She had worked previously as the office administrator for the non-profit Southern Shore Home Support Agency.
After the non-profit folded, she continued to do bookkeeping for the clients, while working full time at the Folk Arts Council and raising three children.
But she saw a need that, given her busy schedule, she was unable to fill.
Not without a change.
“I couldn’t keep it all going, and I saw the need for homecare on the Southern Shore. So, I did up a business plan with the help of my husband Aiden, and sent it to Eastern Health, and got approval for a licence,” said Costello. “I started in the basement of my house. It was just me for the first few years. And then in 2008, it expanded, and I hired someone else to work with me. And now, there’s six of us, including myself, on staff.”
As the business expanded over the years, and as Costello hired on more workers, she knew that it was once again, time for change.
“We needed a big space. All workers use their own office because of the confidentiality in dealing with clients and employees,” she explained. “We all felt that down in the basement that we were too close to each other. We also wanted a training room, where we could train our workers, and offer them first aid.”
In November of 2018, Dianne and Aiden began looking for a building to rent. When they couldn’t find one that fit their specific needs, the couple realized it would be time to build.
Quality Home Care Owner/Operator Dianne Costello with staff at the open house celebration of the construction of the company’s new building in Ferryland. From left to right are Sarah Costello, Aundrea O'Leary, Patricia O'Brien, Dianne Costello, Ashley Costello and Dana Roche.
Mark Squibb photo
After purchasing land in Ferryland just off the Main Road, the couple hired Core Contractors, based in the Goulds, to plan out the construction of the building.
Construction started in the spring, and Costello’s staff moved into the building Oct. 31.
“It’s very emotional. I didn’t think I was going to emotional, but I was,” admitted Costello.
They had an open house on Saturday, Dec. 14 to celebrate the opening of the new workspace.
“Some of the clients dropped by, and some of the employees dropped by, and everybody seemed to be so happy for us, because of the service we provide. Everybody sees the need for home care services, not only on the Southern Shore, but all over.
“We all get older, and we don’t want to leave our homes. Home care is sometimes a stepping stone to long-term care or personal care, but in the end, everybody wants to stay at home for as long as they can,” Costello said.
The construction of the building proves that businesses can prosper and grow in rural Newfoundland, said Costello, who advises that anyone starting out should do their research before jumping into a project.
“I did do a lot of research. You have to do a lot of research on something to make sure it’s going to work out in the end,” she said.
The business offers clients assistance with personal care, home management, meal preparation and respite care, serving clients from St. Shotts to St. Johns, with many clients in the Bay Bulls area.
“It takes a special individual to be a home care worker,” said Costello. “You have to be a kind, caring, compassionate person. And I’m happy to say that that’s what the homecare workers who work for Quality Home Care are.”