By Chris Lewis | Vol. 12 No. 4 (February 21 2019)
The Town of Bay Bulls is looking to its children to help re-name one of the community’s roads.
A small road off Sheldon Drive, which can lead residents to Long Pond, was the topic of discussion at the most recent regular meeting of council in Bay Bulls.
As of last week’s council meeting, the road had been unnamed. However, as there are currently two homes situated on the road, councillors felt some nomenclature was overdue.
The reasoning behind this was not only to give the two homes a better sense of identity, but also to aid in the case of an emergency.
Mayor Harold Mullowney noted that for 911 purposes specifically, any and all roads need a name, no matter how many or few homes line it. However, instead of just coming up with a name on the spot, Mullowney had a different idea.
“We need a name, and I’d rather we put it out to the residents and give the town a chance to do it rather than just giving it any old name,” he said.
This idea was expanded upon by other members of council, with the ultimate decision being that children in the community will be given the chance to come up with a new handle for the road.
This is not a brand new idea for the town, as council has in the past put it out to the community to rename what was originally Dump Road. That was changed to Winnonish Drive to reflect some early fisheries research done in Bay Bulls decades ago.
This time around, council decided to give the opportunity to local elementary school students.
“It’ll certainly be exciting for kids in the area,” said Coun. Evelyn Tucker.
Although it was noted that the idea would be passed along to St. Bernard’s Elementary, there was no timeline set for the road’s renaming.