Crown Land applications approved in Bay Bulls

By Staff/August 19, 2021

All but one of the six development applications on the agenda for the August meeting of Bay Bulls council met with unanimous approval Monday night.

The only application that was rejected involved a request for Crown Land on Cemetery Lane West for a subdivision.

Deputy Mayor Wendy O'Driscoll moved to deny the application based on a report the Town had received identifying the area in question as a potential watershed area. There were also "life safety issues" involved with the application regarding the access to the land, O'Driscoll added. Her final objection was that the subdivision would require use of Lower Path Road, "which is not up to the Town standards," said O'Driscoll."

Her motion to reject the Crown Land referral passed unanimously, with the exception of councillor Joan Luby, who was not in attendance at the meeting.

The other applications, including one for an extension to a home at 850 Southern Shore Highway, Crown Land referrals for single family homes at Station Road and Gunridge Road, and for a variance and a residential accessory building at 9 Dunn Drive passed unanimously. However, the Town did impose several conditions on the accessory building. "No part of the building is to be built within 15 metres of the highwater mark of the river," said O'Driscoll. "And a road damage deposit of $10 per load as per the Town of Bay Bulls 2021 Tax and Fee Structure is to be paid for the backfill excavation to take place." 

The Town imposed similar conditions on an application for a residential accessory building at 36 Dunn Drive, including a road damage deposit of $10 per load for any backfill and excavation needed. "And no work is to be conducted on any adjacent properties especially with regard to the backfilling of the area," said O'Driscoll.


Posted on August 26, 2021 .