Bay Bulls seeks funding for trail lights

Members of Bay Bulls council, during the February 10 public meeting, approved a motion to apply for Active NL funding to help cover the costs of the new solar lights that are to be installed along the Long Pond Walking Trail.

During that same meeting, council approved the purchase of 60 poles at a cost of $4,770, plus HST, and 60 solar light heads, at a cost of $11,539, plus HST.

Council also voted to release the request for proposals for the actual installation of the solar lights.

The Town recently undertook a number of upgrades to the trail, split over two phases. The cost of phase one, valued at about $475,444 (less HST), was split evenly among municipal, provincial, and federal governments. Phase two was valued at $484,292, and split 60/40 between the provincial and municipal governments respectively.

The Town submitted a Capital Investment Plan (CIP) application to cover its portion of phase two. The project aim was to both extend and improve the popular community trail.

Posted on March 4, 2025 .