And Then There Were Five

Evelyn Tucker’s resignation brings council to five; no nomination date in sight

By Mark Squibb | July 23, 2020

The resignation of Evelyn Tucker, who joined council in the 2017 election, brings Bay Bulls council down to five members.

“She never really gave a reason... I guess you would have to talk to her about her actual reason. She never really got into reasons,” said Mayor Harold Mullowney, when asked why Tucker quit earlier this summer.

Tucker herself could not be reached for comment.

But Mullowney praised her time on council.

“She was there for a good period of time and did a lot of great work, and we’re sorry to see her go,” said the mayor. “I was surprised and sorry to see Evelyn go. The time she was with the council, she was a very active councillor. She was involved in a great deal of things. She got a lot of things done, and I think her voice is going to be missed around the table. But then again, people got to do what they got to do. She was certainly willing to put in the time. And then some.”

Mullowney said Tucker sent an e-mail notification of her resignation.

At present, there’s no plan to schedule a nomination date to elect someone to fill the seat.

“COVID is certainly a part of it,” said Mullowney, although he said council is also cognizant that they have tried in the past to fill a vacancy with no takers.

“Summer is always a difficult time to hold an election anyway,” added Mullowney. “But I’m hoping we will at least try again and go to the polls and see if we can get one or two people to step forward.”

He said that, in spite of council delaying the nomination date, it is important to get the vacant seats filled, one of which has sat vacant since the resignation of councillors Kevin O'Brien and Philip Burton in 2018. Councillor Patrick Coady was acclaimed to council that year, filling one of those seats, but the other seat has remained vacant, despite multiple calls for nominations over the past two years.

“It would be great to have another one or to councillors around the table. It really is important for quorum on a number of issues,” said Mullowney. “We’re finding it very difficult to get people to step up. But we’re not the only town. We’re looking at Mount Pearl, now, is down to five councillors. I’ve spoken to a couple other mayors recently and they’re also operating with five councillors. So, it seems like it’s getting harder and harder in the province to get people to step up and fill a volunteer role on a council. People have to realize that they’re stepping forward to help assist their communities. At the end of this process, there’s really noting in it for the individual other than seeing their community prosper and grow. The unfortunate thing is that we’re living in a world today where people come forward and try and do the best job that they can and they’re often criticized, mercilessly, by individuals who have no interest in stepping forward themselves.”

During the July 15 meeting, councillor Joan Luby announced that she would be stepping down from the Public Works Committee. Previously, Luby and Tucker had worked on the committee together.

“Joan and Evelyn worked very effectively together,” noted Mullowney.

Councillor Patrick Coady and Eric Maloney will now take over the responsibilities of the Public Works Committee.

Posted on August 6, 2020 .