Bay Bulls to forward ATV complaint to RCMP

Council also addresses speeding concern

By Mark Squibb | July 23, 2020

Councillors in Bay Bulls say there’s little they can do about an ATV complaint other than forward it to the police.

The Town was in receipt of a complaint from a resident of Quay’s Road who was concerned about ATV usage.

“I believe we just need to forward this on to the RCMP,” said Deputy Mayor Wendy O’Driscoll during the July 15 meeting.

Town CAO Jennifer Aspell spoke to the rationale of the decision.

“The reason that it’s being forwarded on by the deputy mayor is that it’s really outside of the town’s jurisdiction for managing this particular issue. It has to do with ATV use in the area, and the Town of course has no authority to regulate or police ATV use. So, the best course of action would be to refer it onto the authorities,” explained Aspell.

During that same meeting, members of Bay Bulls council addressed concerns about speeding in town generally.

Council had received requests for additional speedbumps along Sheldon Drive and Solomon Close.

“We don’t have any extra speedbumps, but we are going to look into providing some ‘Children at Play,’ signs,” said O’Driscoll.

She noted that correspondence should be sent to residents to inform them of the decision.


Posted on August 6, 2020 .