Goulds taxi owner hoping voters will park their vote with him

By Mark Squibb | July 8, 2021

The owner and operator of Goulds Taxi said he’s willing to let someone else take charge of the business so he can represent the Goulds and the other communities of Ward 5.

“I’m very passionate about my community, and about my Ward,” said Earle, who was raised in the Goulds.

Earle said his many years in the taxi business have been an education both in the issues of the ward, and how to be a help to others.

“I’ve been dealing with people now for 26 years in my taxi industry,” said Earle. “And I found a lot of times, even if you can’t fix a person’s problem, just that simple fact that you reach out, and are willing to listen to them, and hear their concerns, and hear they’re problems, sometimes that goes a long way to getting to where we need to get.”

Earle said one of his concerns is that while infrastructure and recreation facilities continue to age, the response from the City seems stagnant.

“It seems to be, ‘You have what you have, and it is what it is,’ and that’s disheartening,” he said. “I just don’t see any growth… Ward Five has been hearing two letters from the English alphabet; and those two letters are N-O. No. No, no, no. I’m tired of hearing them two letters being used, so I want to add another letter to it, and that letter is W. N-O-W. Now is the time for change. Now is the time for a strong voice. Now is the time for a good, strong representative. I’m very passionate about what I’m involved in. I give it my all. The people who know me will tell you that when I take on a task, or when I take on a challenge, it’s a hundred percent or nothing. I don’t do anything halfway. I’m all in.”

Earle said he doesn’t plan to trick folks into voting for him, but can only offer that he will do his best to get the job done.

“I’m not going to tell you what you want to hear so I can convince you into voting for me, but I will listen to your concerns, and I will get you the answers they need,” said Earle. “If I become successful in my bid to become the Ward 5 representative, your issues and concerns then become mine. I’m not just seeking this seat for me. I’m seeking it for my ward.”

He also committed, as noted earlier, to giving his full time to the position, if elected.

“If you’re not committed to this full time, you’re not giving Ward 5 the proper representation that it needs and deserves,” said Earle. “There will be no resident in Ward 5 playing second fiddle to my taxi business. That’s not how I’m built, and that’s not the commitment I’m going to put forth for the residents of Ward 5, if they choose to have faith in me and believe in me.”

Earle added he hopes to help City Hall become more approachable to residents.

“I’d like to see the City be more approachable,” he said. “I’d like to see the City be more user friendly.”

He also said the City should expedite minor concerns, such as the installation of crosswalks and speed signs.

“A lot of these issues and concerns, if dealt with efficiently, don’t have to be a big undertaking,” said Earle.

Wally Collins is currently the Ward 5 councilor.

Posted on July 28, 2021 .