Arrangements set for funeral of hockey legend Williams

By Mark Squibb | July 8, 2021

Funeral services have been planned for the late Kenny Williams of Bay Bulls.

Williams, who was known throughout the whole of the Southern Shore and the province for his many years of commitment to hockey at all levels, passed away on Thursday, March 4 of this year.

At that time, COVID-19 rules restricted funeral gatherings to five people, and so the family held off on a public funeral service.

Visitation for Williams will be held on Sunday and Monday July 12 and 13 from 2 to 9 p.m. at Ryan’s Funeral Home.

“They allow 40 in the funeral home at one time, so basically when one person goes in, one comes out, that kind of thing,” explained daughter Krista Williams.

The funeral service will be held at 10 a.m. on July 13 but will be by invitation only due to COVID-19 restrictions, and largely limited to family. The funeral service however will be livestreamed at

The burial service to follow will be held at Our Lady of Mount Loretta RC Cemetery and will be open to all those who wish to attend, provided that attendees remain socially distant and wear a face mask.

This service will also be live streamed.

Jackie Sullivan and Chris Andrews will perform ‘Fiery Hockey Blood’ at the grave site, and the Williams family are asking that both children and adults in attendance wear their hockey jerseys for the graveside ceremony if possible.

Despite not being able to hold a traditional funeral service in March, tributes and calls have poured in.

“It’s been overwhelming,” said Krista. “We had calls from Hockey Canada, we had calls from right across the province. It was very overwhelming.”

Posted on July 28, 2021 .