Witless Bay Heritage Society lays weekend plans

By Mark Squibb | July 8, 2021

Witless Bay has officially named two recreation facilities in the Town.

Known informally as the softball field and recreation grounds/playground, the softball field will be renamed the Kinsmen Field, in honour of the Kinsman and their ongoing contributions to the town, while the playground will be named the Paul Carey Recreation Complex in honour of former mayor Paul Carey.

“You’ll recall in the spring that council was fielding suggests on names for the softball field on Southside Track,” said Chief Administrative Officer Pat Curran. “Several suggestions were received. In reviewing the suggestions, council has decided to rename both the softball field and the playground area at the same time.”

The Town also accepted a tender for the provision of playground equipment from Coastline Specialties Ltd in the amount of $49,750 plus HST for that same playground. That cost is for a playhouse, spinner, seesaw, barrel ride spinner and climber, though the town has asked the supplier to revisit the seesaw and provide another piece of equipment at a comparable price.

In total, three bids were received.

Council also accepted a tender on repairs to the roof of the Ken Williams Southern Shore Arena.

The updates were part of the Town’s COVID-19 stimulus funding application from December of 2020.

The work, done by Crane Services Limited is budgeted at $43,500.

The arena association will cover $3,500, or 10 per cent of the government contributed $35,000. The arena will cover the additional $8,500 to make up the difference between budgeted and quoted amount.

Posted on July 28, 2021 .