Witless Bay council plays catch up

Witless Bay council managed to approve a number of motions last week that had been on the backburner due to a lack of quorum in previous meetings.

First up was a motion to approve a Crown Land application along the Southern Shore Highway that council had lost quorum on during an October 11 meeting when councillor Gerard Dunne declared a conflict due to family reasons, and Deputy Mayor Lorna Yard declared a conflict because her brother worked for the applicant.

Council approved the application.

Council then approved more motions that had first been presented during an October 28 special meeting. They had to be postponed at that time due to Dunne and Yard again being in a conflict of interest and two other councillors – Jacob Hayden and Nancy Burke – being absent.

This time, event with Dunn and Yard again having to step out and with councillor Alex Troake absent, council had enough for a quorum.

The first motion was for repairs to the driveway entrance to the municipal garage and fire hall.

That motion was approved, with no discussion or detail as to the cost or scope of the work.

Next council awarded a tender for pothole repairs, road repairs, ditching and other work to O’Brien’s Trucking in the amount of $13,998.

Council next voted to go to tender for concrete pads for the ballfield bleachers.

The final motion was a festive one.

“I would like to make a motion that we install a wire for the Christmas tree on Upper Pond, said councillor Ralph Carey. “We want to use the area as often as we can, and get as much light as we can, so, it makes sense for us, instead of running nine or 10 extension cords, we’re going to do it with perhaps just one.”

That motion was also approved.


Posted on November 23, 2022 .