Witless Bay pumper requires costly repair

Witless Bay council, during a special meeting on October 28, voted to undertake repairs to one of the town’s fire trucks.

The 2021 tanker and 2006 pumper were both tested and serviced in early October, and while the tanker passed without issue, several problems were discovered with the pumper’s pumping apparatus, including pressure leaks on all discharges, shavings in the gear box, and inaccurate pressure display gauges.

The pumper is still operational, but is only being used in emergency situations. If the pump was to fail entirely, the department would have to use either portable pumps, or call in the St. John’s Regional Fire Department.

Estimated costs for repairs are between $25,000 and $30,000, and are expected to be completed in early 2023.

Other than the pumping apparatus, the truck is in good working order.

Also on the agenda was a motion to repair a large pothole outside the municipal garage, which could potentially damage the fire trucks as they come and go from the station. That motion was deferred due to a lack of quorum. Deputy Mayor Lorna Yard and councillor Gerard Dunne had declared a conflict due to work connections with one of the potential bidders, and as councillor Nancy Burke and councillor Jaycob Hayden were not in attendance, only three councillors remained to vote on the matter. The item has since been added to the November public meeting agenda.
Council also gave the green light for the fire department to send some pieces of equipment no longer being used, inclduing a ladder, hose nozzles, an old portable pump, oxygen bags, and an old ‘jaws of life’ to auction as per the public procurement act.

Posted on November 23, 2022 .