Ferryland residents finally enjoying clear water and celebrating arrival of new fire truck

By Mark Squibb/September 16, 2022

The Town of Ferryland had reason to celebrate last month, hosting back-to-back ribbon cutting ceremonies for a new fire truck and a water treatment plant.

“They’re definitely big assets to our town,” said Mayor Aidan Costello. “The water treatment plant has been a long time coming. The town has had chlorinated water for 30, 35 years, and it’s always been a cloudy, mucky kind of water. But we finally have a water treatment plant now that takes all the sediment out of the water, and we finally have clear water. We still have the scattered issue getting the bugs out of the new system, but it’s coming along really well.”

For the treatment facility and filtration system, the town entered into an 80/20 cost sharing agreement with the provincial government on the million-dollar project.

“We went over budget on the project overall, and the Town had to pick up over-and-above what was approved,” said Costello. “It was an expensive project for the Town and cost us well over $200,000.”

The Town also split the purchase of the new fire truck, which came with a price tag of $367,000, with the provincial government at an 80/20 ratio. The cost sharing left the Town on the hook for only about $67,000.

“Our old truck was on it’s last leg, so we’re more than delighted with our new truck,” said Costello. “So, we’re really excited.”

The Ferryland Volunteer Fire Department covers the area from Brigus South, to Aquaforte, including Admirals Cove and Horse Chops.


Posted on September 20, 2022 .