Harbour Construction and O'Brien's Trucking to share emergency calls in Witless Bay

By Mark Squibb/September 16, 2022

If you can’t pick between two, just pick both.

That was the philosophy Witless Bay acted on this week when awarding a standing offer contract for the supply of goods and services in emergency situations.

The Town issued a limited call for bids back in May, seeking standing offer prices for services provided on an emergency basis, and received proposals from both Harbour Construction Ltd., and O’Brien’s Trucking Ltd., each of which, said councillor Ralph Carey, provided fair market prices based on the services being offered.

He therefore moved that the Town offer the contract to both contractors.

‘We need to get work done in emergency situations, so it’s important we get the motion made,” said Carey, reminding folks of the heavy rains and wind that battered the island over the weekend.

Council voted to approve that motion unanimously.

Councillor Gerard Dunne declared a conflict and did not vote on the matter, as he works for Harbour Construction. Deputy Mayor Lorna Yard was not present at the meeting, and thus did not vote on the matter.

Posted on September 20, 2022 .