Bay Bulls says ‘No’ to residents’ privacy fence

By Mark Squibb

Bay Bulls council has voted against a proposal to build a privacy fence for a resident along the Long Pond walking trail.

Deputy Mayor Jason O’Brien, during last week’s meeting, moved that the Town refuse the change order, which would see a privacy fence constructed on a residential property as part of the upgrades to the Long Pond walking trail at a cost of $21,500 plus HST, and likened the approval of the motion to using Town funds to benefit a single resident.

Councillor Ethan Williams, disagreed.

“I understand the concerns that have been brought forward by my colleagues, but I do feel that it is in the best interest of the Town and the stakeholders to approve the change order,” argued Williams.

Williams proved to be the lone supporter for the proposal as council ultimately rejected the change order.

The current work on the trail is part of phase 2 of the project

Phase 1 of the project, valued at $475,444 (less HST), was cost shared by the federal, provincial, and municipal governments under a Municipal Capital Works program, with each level of government paying a third of the cost. Phase 2 is valued at $144,229, and of that cost, the Town is only on the hook for 10 per cent — $14,422. The rest of the cost, minus costs above those previously approved, are covered by provincial COVID stimulus funding.

Posted on June 28, 2024 .

Bay Bulls council denies request for civic number compensation

By Mark Squibb

Bay Bulls council has denied a resident’s request for compensation following a change in a home’s civic numbering.

Town Manager Ashley Wakeham explained there had been inconsistent civic numbering in the Long Pond Path area.

“The Town requested the Municipal Assessment Agency, which is responsible for civic numbering in town, to complete a review of the area, which was completed in 2020, and renumbering was done at that time,” said Wakeham “The Town recently received a request for compensation to change the numbers on one particular house on that road.”

Mayor Keith O’Driscoll said the Municipal Assessment Agency is responsible for assigning civic numbers.

“I feel that this is their issue,” said O’Driscoll. “If they issued a numbering for an address and then further down the road change it, that’s on them to compensate the resident for the error.”

Councillor Ethan Williams pointed out the Town does in fact provide numbers free of charge at the Town Hall.

Council also denied a resident’s request for a speed bump on Cemetery Lane West.

Deputy Mayor Jason O’Brien said the Town cannot control the speeds at which folks drive, nor the vehicles they drive, and that speed bumps don’t seem to be curbing speeding.

“It’s all about the person driving, not so much the road,” he concluded.

The motion to refuse the speedbump request passed unanimously.

Posted on June 28, 2024 .

Witless Bay council to establish youth committee

By Mark Squibb

Witless Bay council is hoping the establishment of a youth committee will get young people more involved with the goings on of the town.

Councillor Ralph Carey moved during the June public meeting that council establish a youth committee to give youth the opportunity to provide input to council and help with planning and organizing events.

“What we’re trying to do is engage the young people in the town to become part of what we can,” said Carey, who added that working with youth would make Witless Bay better for everybody.

Appropriately enough, besides being Pride Month, June is also Recreation Month. Council acknowledged both at the start of the meeting.

In other recreation news, the Town recently hosted an online recreation survey which netted about 40 responses. The Town also coordinated with the Kin Club to host a community cleanup, and recreation committee chairman Jacob Hayden said while the cleanup was not well-attended, a great deal of garbage was collected, nonetheless. The Town has also recently hosted an introduction to boccia event and a painting night.

Hayden also noted Town staff have received naloxone training, and that the Town Hall is registered as an official naloxone distribution site. Naloxone is medicine used to fight opioid overdoses by reversing and blocking the effects of opioids.

Town staff are currently working with community groups to prepare for the upcoming Canada Day festivities, and council voted to purchase $500 worth of fireworks, plus HST.

Posted on June 28, 2024 .

Witless Bay to tackle flooding at recreation grounds

By Mark Squibb

Witless Bay council last week accepted over a million dollars in multi-year capital works funding to help mitigate flooding at the recreation grounds.

The project has been valued at $1,174,847, the lion’s share of which will be paid by the provincial government. The Town of Witless Bay will be on the hook for $106,539.

“We’re delighted to be able to share that we’ve accepted this project on a 90/10 split,” said councillor Jacob Hayden. “As most residents know, that area has become a bit of a flooding issue, and we’re hoping that with this funding and with this project we’ll be able to mitigate some of that flooding and help stop damage to town infrastructure in that area.”

Hayden extended his thanks to Town staff for their work in securing the funding.

Mayor Trevor Croft noted further that in her 11 months on the job, Town CAO Jennifer Aspell has secured $1.7 million in gas tax funding for the town.

The motion passed unanimously.

Council also awarded a contract for upgrades to Harbour Road to Dexter Construction Ltd., in the amount of $226,274, HST included.

Meridian Engineering was appointed prime consultant on the project.

Posted on June 21, 2024 .

Bay Bulls supports feasibility study for new fire hall

By Mark Squibb

Bay Bulls council has agreed to write a letter of support to the provincial government on behalf of the Town of Witless Bay requesting funding for a new fire hall, but the town, as of now, won’t be helping finance the project should it come to fruition.

Deputy Mayor Jason O’Brien moved that council write a letter supporting the call for a feasibility study to better secure possible funding for a new fire hall.

Councillor Corey Ronayne said the request was essentially for an updated feasibility study.

“We’re not saying that we’re in support of a new fire hall or not,” said Ronayne. “But they want to do a new feasibility study, and that’s the basis for this.”

Deputy Mayor O’Brien added the fire hall is owned and operated by the Town of Witless Bay.

“We have no financial control over how they spend their funds,” said O’Brien. “We pay a fee for a service, that’s all.”

The motion carried unanimously.

Beginning in 2021, when Witless Bay first budgeted for construction of a new fire hall, the Town placed great emphasis on bolstering its fire protection services, including the hiring of a full time chief and the purchase of new equipment.

In 2022, Witless Bay council accepted $2 million in cost-shared funding from the provincial government for the construction of a new fire hall and agreed to pay its share of the project, which at that time was $815,640. However, work has not proceeded on the project to date.

Posted on June 21, 2024 .

Bay Bulls and Witless Bay councils waive fees for young entrepreneurs

By Mark Squibb

Bay Bulls and Witless Bay councils have both voted to waive permit fees for Youth Ventures participants for the remainder of 2024 in a bid to entice young people to submit business applications.

Youth Ventures is a program run by the Celtic Community Business Development Corporation that provides financial help and advice for young people interested in starting their own businesses, even just for the summer.

Witless Bay council voted unanimously last week to waive all fees for the program’s participants. Bay Bulls council did the same this week.

“The Youth Ventures Program is a great program offered by the CBDC throughout the province, that many young people avail of,” said Bay Bulls councillor Ethan Williams. “It’s a great opportunity for them to be introduced to the world of business and it provides them with lots of wonderful, real world, practical experience.”

According to its own numbers, Youth Ventures has helped nearly 8,000 young people across the province since its foundation in 1992.

Posted on June 21, 2024 .

Global Summit will let Petty Harbour businesswoman work on her second venture

Petty Harbour businesswoman Li-an Delos Reyes attended a global summit for young entrepreneurs held in Brazil this month.

By Olivia Bradbury / Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Petty Harbour businesswoman Li-an Delos Reyes is taking an extra month this summer to explore the area after attending the G20 Young Entrepreneurs' Alliance Summit in Brazil to explore the area and work on business ideas and research.

The summit was held June 12 to 14. Delos Reyes was one of two Newfoundland businesswomen invited to make the trip.

The 37-year-old, who moved from the Philippines to Canada in 2018, is already busy on her second business creation.

"I initially had another business which is also another very niche product, so I think I love niche businesses," she said.

That first business, Milksta, was featured on the Dragon's Den in 2020. It centered on beverages to aid milk production in breastfeeding mothers, an issue with which Delos Reyes herself struggled. Milksta now has investors, and Delos Reyes refers to herself as "just the face of it." She is more involved in and focused on her second business: Brother Sprout.

Delos Reyes said she got the idea while she was transitioning from vegetarianism to veganism. She noticed most vegan products are frozen or refrigerated. This gave her the notion of creating a vegan product that is shelf-stable, an aspect she had also prioritized with Milksta products, which have a shelf-life of about two years. She also wanted to make a product the average person could afford.

"What most vegans, vegetarians, flexitarians are looking for is something that's more affordable," said Delos Reyes.

She incorporated the business in late 2022, and in January of 2023 re-launched it with full branding. The business uses plant-based vegetable protein, which goes toward reducing the environmental impact of animal agriculture.

"I just thought, even with my little contribution, I hope some way we can also make a difference,” Delos Reyes said.

Brother Sprout sells dehydrated vegan-friendly snacks rich in the protein. Most of the products are made to resemble meat but are made of vegetables.

"When I interviewed my customers, I found out that there are moms who are buying it to incorporate in their children's meals," she said.

Campers are also interested in her product, she added, as it doesn’t need to be refrigerated and is high in protein.

Delos Reyes said she is the only vegan amongst her friends. There is often a negative connotation when it comes to veganism, she said, which is something she tries to counter with her products.

"If you look at my packaging, I try to make it look friendly."

Delos Reyes said her goal is to make veganism "less scary and more friendly."

The packaging itself is patterned and colourful. The symbol for the brand is also colourful and pleasant: two potted sprouts — one pot green, one pot blue — with faces, arms, and legs, high-fiving each other. The sprouts represent Delos Reyes' sons, hence the brand name Brother Sprout. Of her sons, Delos Reyes said, "One loves vegetables and the other hates it. And so, the other one who doesn't like vegetables is my tester. I told myself if my picky son likes it, I think other people would like it."

Delos Reyes said her first business gave her a head start with Brother Sprout and the saved her a lot of money. She has not spent anything on marketing or advertising for her second business. She got a Futurpreneur loan of $20,000, which she put towards her inventory. She describes herself as Brother Sprout's Chief Everything Officer. Her family members help with the business; her husband helps with shipping and logistics and her oldest son helps with marketing by taking photos and videos. "I would treat this like a family business, I would say, everyone's involved, although I'm the one really running it," she said.

Delos Reyes said she was excited to find out she was going to the G20 YEA Summit, which is taking place in Goiânia, Brazil.

"It's a coincidence,” she said. “It's where I gave birth to my second son. Like, of all the places in the world! Because that's where my husband is from."

The summit involved industry visits, and Delos Reyes said she tried to register for everything. "I like seeing what happens behind the scenes," she said. "That's where you would learn a lot."

Delos Reyes did not attend business school and said that with her first business, if there was something she was unsure of, she would ask another entrepreneur for their advice.

Her main goal for Brother Sprout is Canadian expansion. She would like it to remain a family business and is not planning to get any investors. An element she didn't like about getting investors for her first business was that every decision she wanted to make had to be run by them for approval first. With Brother Sprout, if she wants to do something, she can go ahead and do it.

"It's so easy,” said Delos Reyes. “I don't have to wait for days, sometimes weeks. And I love the freedom that I can do anything that I want. And of course, this is my personal vision and mission, and nobody's going to say no to whatever I want

Both Delos Reyes' first and second businesses focused on things that were necessities in her own life. "If I am going to work with something that I am passionate about, it doesn't feel like working," she said. "I'm more excited. Even though I'm so stressed, even though there's lots of things that are going on, I'm smiling… That's the most rewarding part. You're doing something that you love."

Posted on June 21, 2024 .

Colinet student recognized for always being ready to go above and beyond

Jordan O’Connell of Colinet was recently awarded a 2024 Safe, Caring and Inclusive Schools Graduating Student Leadership Bursary, valued at $500. Submitted photo

By Mark Squibb

Jordan O’Connell, 18, of Colinet has been named a recipient of the provincial government’s 2024 Safe, Caring and Inclusive Schools Graduating Student Leadership Bursary, valued at $500.

The bursary recognises students who work to make their school a better place.

“Jordan is an ideal student,” said St. Catherine’s Academy Principal Heather Hanlon. “He maintains honours status while completing a demanding course load. He also works a part-time job to earn money for postsecondary studies. As busy as he is, he still finds the time to volunteer countless hours to improve school life for our students.”

O’Connell led the Participation Nation Unplugged Program at his school, helping younger students ‘unplug’ from their devices and get physically active. He also led a Chef’s in Training program at his school, for which he received $3,500 in funding from the Public Health Agency of Canada.

“It was a lot of fun, I really enjoyed it,” said O’Connell of the cooking program. “The kids always listened, and it was fun to teach them how to cook some basic dishes — mac and cheese, meatballs, spaghetti, steak and potatoes, corn bread, muffins, sandwiches, and a few other things.”

Before the program could launch, O’Connell had to purchase cooking equipment, as the school had limited equipment available. He then had to carefully plan each lesson in advance and purchase all the necessary ingredients ahead of time.

“It is amazing to see children as young as five years old preparing and cooking their lunch,” said Hanlon. “Jordan's interaction with the younger students is phenomenal. They love the attention he gives them and hang on his every word. He is a true role model for them. Everyone is included and respected in his class, and they all enjoy a healthy lunch.”

O’Connell said helping others has special returns of its own.

“It feels good to help people, but it also teaches you a lot,” he said. “It teaches you leadership skills, patience, how to learn. So, it’s a good experience.”

O’Connell plans to attend Memorial University this fall to study engineering, either civil or mechanical, and said he’s grateful for the $500 prize that comes with being recognized.

“Every little bit helps,” he said.

Posted on June 21, 2024 .

Witless Bay mayor asks folks to keep it professional

By Mark Squibb

Witless Bay Mayor Trevor Croft began this week’s public meeting with a reprimand for people who have been e-mailing and, in some cases, ringing the doorbells of council and staff after hours.

“Contacting staff on their personal Facebook pages for Town reasons is not a good idea,” said Croft, who said people have been messaging staff on personal social media accounts after hours about Town matters.

“The same goes for councillors,” said Croft. “I’ve had messages to my personal Facebook, I’ve had people show up at my house, sometimes at night. There’s no need… it’s a bit disrespectful to expect everybody to be on the clock 24/7, so keep that in mind and it would be greatly appreciated.”

Croft said to instead call staff at the Town Hall during business hours or reach staff and councillors at their Town of Witless Bay e-mail accounts, which can be found on the Town’s website.

The mayor did not give further details on any particular incidents.

Posted on June 14, 2024 .

Witless Bay approves new and improved free pantry

By Mark Squibb

Witless Bay council this week approved an application to build a new community pantry, to be operated by the Witless Bay Kinsmen Club, at the Puffin Centre.

The pantry will be connected to the centre’s electrical system, and the Town will complete site preparation as a contribution to the project.

People will be able to take or leave food items as needed.

Councillor Jacob Hayden explained that the pantry, as it’s hooked into the centre’s electrical system, will include a fridge or freezer to store items that need to be refrigerated, and the current pantry will be converted for use as a free ‘little library,’ where patrons can take a book or leave a book at will.

In other development news:

  • Council approved building permits for new homes at 116 Gull Pond Road, 77 Country Path Drive, and 202-206 Deans Road.

  • Council also approved an application to subdivide land at 21-35 Tuff’s Road.

    Councillor Ralph Carey moved to approve the application in principle, pending further approval by applicable government agencies and noted further that no development applications will be considered for the property until the subdivision of land is completed.

  • Council approved an application to subdivide land at 41 The Avenue.

    Councillor Jacob Hayden asked whether he was in a conflict of interest as the land belongs to a family member. Council determined he was not.

    As with the earlier application to subdivide land, the approval is pending further approval by applicable government agencies, and no development applications will be considered for the property until the subdivision of land is completed.

  • Council also approved an extension to an accessory building for a Northside Track resident.

    Mayor Trevor Croft declared a conflict of interest as the applicant is a family member.

  • And finally, council approved construction of accessory buildings at 39 Country Path Drive and 1 Country Path Drive.

Posted on June 14, 2024 .